他们还使用一些他们自己制作或使用过的工具,比如ChatGPT和WolframAlpha,这些都是可以根据数据生成文本或回答问题的程序。 中英文采访稿: The real question is, why does Chat GPT work? How is it possible to encapsulate, to successfully reproduce all these kinds of things in natural language with a ...
And indeed we already have examples in the Wolfram Language—where functions like ImageIdentity or TextCases (or, for that matter, LLMFunction) can effectively make “AI measurements”, but then we can take their results, and work symbolically with them. In physical science we often imagine t...
The overall objective in the training is progressively to decreasethe “loss”—the average (squared) difference between true values off[x] and those generated by the neural net. The evolution of the loss defines a “learning curve” for the neural net, with the downward ...
It’s important, by the way, to distinguish between “computational thinking” and straight “coding”. Computational thinking is about formulating things in computational terms. Coding is about the actual mechanics of telling a computer what to do. One of our great goals with the Wolfram Langua...
When we look at the computational universe, it’s hard not to be struck by the limitations of what we know how to describe or think about. Modern neural nets provide an interesting example. For theImageIdentifyfunction of the Wolfram Language we’ve trained a neural net to identify thousands...
我们目前为止讨论的都是那些“已经知道”如何完成特定任务的神经网络。但是,使神经网络如此有用的(也可能存在于大脑中)是它们不仅原则上可以完成各种任务,而且可以通过“示例训练”逐步学会完成这些任务。 When we make a neural net to distinguish cats from dogs we don’t effectively have to write a program ...
wolfram.com— Built-in knowledge-based algorithms in the cloud. wrapapi.com— Turn any website into a parameterized API. 30k API calls per month. Zenscrape— Web scraping API with headless browsers, residentials IPs and simple pricing. 1000 free API calls/month, extra free credits for studen...
wolfram.com— Built-in knowledge-based algorithms in the cloud. wrapapi.com— Turn any website into a parameterized API. 30k API calls per month. ZenRows— Web Scraping API & proxy server that bypasses any anti-bot solution while offering javascript rendering, rotating proxies, and geotargeting...
And indeed such devices can serve as good “tools” for the neural net—like Wolfram|Alpha can be a good tool for ChatGPT. But computational irreducibility implies that one can’t expect to “get inside” those devices and have them learn....
(more than double what was there in 11.0), together with automated support for recurrent nets. The concept is always to let the neural net be specified symbolically in the Wolfram Language, then let the language automatically fill in the details, interface with low-level libraries, etc. It’...