视野|黑石集团CEO苏世民的25条工作和生活原则 苏世民(Stephen A. Schwarzman),全球私募巨头黑石集团联合创始人、董事会主席、首席执行官,耶鲁大学学士,哈佛大学商学院工商管理硕士。他与彼特 · 彼特森以40万美元创建黑石集团,并将其发展为华尔街真正的私募之王。 现在,黑石集团已成为全球最大的私募股权资产管理公司和房...
Stephen A. Schwarzman is Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Blackstone. Mr. Schwarzman has been involved in all phases of the firm’s development since its founding in 1985. The firm is a leading global asset manager with $310 billion Assets Under Management (as of March 31, 2015).Mr. Schw...
“Schwarzman Scholars,” at Tsinghua University in Beijing to educate future leaders about China. At over $575 million, the program is modeled on the Rhodes Scholarship and is the single largest philanthropic effort in China’s history coming largely from international donors. Mr. Schwarzman is Co...
2The best executives are made, not born. They never stop learning. Study the people and organizations in your life that have had enormous success. They offer a free course from the real world to help you improve. "Enormous success"下划线。要是people和organization in your life已经有巨大成功了...
苏世民(Stephen A. Schwarzman),全球私募巨头黑石集团联合创始人、董事会主席、首席执行官,耶鲁大学学士,哈佛大学商学院工商管理硕士。他与彼特 · 彼特森以40万美元创建黑石集团,并将其发展为华尔街真正的私募之王。 现在,黑石集团已成为全球最大的私募股权资产管理公司和房地产管理公司。截至2019年第三季度,黑石管理的...