Kayla Tausche
Keir Starmer was talking about deploying the full force of the law in the aftermath of the riots. And that was the way to respond to this. And we have the case this week of a 53-year-old woman, Julie Sweeney, who suggested online that people should blow up a mosque with all the a...
And so, it's this big montage where time is distorted, but space stays as a constant. The camera's always been in the same angle. And so, you may be looking up there and see someone from when they were 15 years old and from when they're 40 years...
old friend after a long separation. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 2007年 4月在北京接受任命的 時候,曾蔭權表現亢奮,先在中午高姿態地與陪同他上京的太太手拖 手上機;在步出機艙時,“即時急步飛前撲向在場迎接的港澳辦常務 副主任陳佐洱,並笑意盈盈、熱情地與他握手,像是老朋友久別重逢的興奮模樣。
Vik Malhotra: I completely agree with Steve. It’s the old debate around nurture versus nature. At one level, great leaders come to the role with a certain drive, background, and education, but I think that’s a small part of the equation. For the most part, these CEOs built their ...
Enter Teddy Schwarzman, a deep-pocketed film investor whose father is multibillionaire Stephen Schwarzman of Blackstone Group fame. Blown away by Moore’s screenplay, Schwarzman was willing to greenlight the film without a Leo-caliber star. “We need to just go and make this film and do it in...
It is a popular parlor game inside theTimeswhether Sorkin, who has gained the trust and respect of the most powerful men on Wall Street, might join them. Twenty-five years ago, Steve Rattner, then a 30-year-old reporter in the paper’s Washington bureau, left to join Lehman Brothers an...
It is a popular parlor game inside theTimeswhether Sorkin, who has gained the trust and respect of the most powerful men on Wall Street, might join them. Twenty-five years ago, Steve Rattner, then a 30-year-old reporter in the paper’s Washington bureau, left to join Lehman Brothers an...