Read books written by Stephen King in our e-reader absolutely for free. Author of Insomnia, The Waste Lands, It
【翻译】Mary正在读Stephen King写的一本书。【解析】根据“Mary's reading(Mary正在读)”可知 a book作read后宾语,又因book"前有不定冠词"a"修饰,可知此处想表达意思是“一本书”,故分析此处"book"是名词,意思是“书”。故答案为:词性:名词n./ 词义:书。B【答案】词性:动词v. 词义:预订【核心词汇...
史蒂芬·金/Stephen King『牠』是個變化萬千的可怕怪物,平常以小丑姿態出現街頭,專門誘騙路過的行人,尤其是天真的孩童,幸運者或可躲過,不幸者則難逃劫數。 『牠』隨時可以變作蜘蛛、會爬的眼睛、木乃伊…… 『牠』住在下水道裡,口吐濁氣,瞪著黑洞般的雙眼,伺機攫捕…… ...
作者:斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King) 著,姚向辉 译,博集天卷 出品 出版:湖南文艺出版社2021.2 定价:69.80 元 ISBN-13:9787540499075 ISBN-10:7540499079 去豆瓣看看 想要 拥有 拥有 想读 读过 在读 00暂无人评价... 目 录作者简介内容简介 卢克是个天赋异禀的男孩,不仅智商超群,情商也相当不凡。12岁时,他就轻松...
史蒂芬.金 Stephen King史蒂芬‧金滿意也喜愛的作品! 創作風格重要的轉捩點! 第一部「城堡岩小鎮」系列作品!金迷高價搶標的夢幻珍品全新譯本! 首度登上紐約時報暢銷排行榜冠軍,恐怖小說之王正式登基! 他終於發現, 「沒有選擇」才是他後的選擇…… 準確預測賭場輪盤上的數字,大賺一筆;只要觸碰別人的手或物品,...
We at the Stephen King Wiki are incredibly happy you've decided to visit, please feel free to check out our Discusions and/or start editing articles. If you're visiting anonymously you'll need to make an account. Before you start editing or posting, you'll want to read our simple ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book 1) 黑暗之塔1:枪手》,作者:Stephen King 著,出版社:Penguin。最新《The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book 1) 黑暗之塔1:枪手》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购
凯丽 [美]斯蒂芬·金/Stephen King斯蒂芬·金的处女作,创作于1974年。故事讲述在美国新英格兰地区的一个小镇上,十七岁的高中女生凯丽过着悲惨的生活。在学校,她受尽同学们的欺辱,在家则生活在宗教狂母亲的阴影中。她不知自己拥有一种神奇的力量……在毕业舞会上,这力量爆发了,顷刻间将学校、甚至小镇化为灰烬…… ...
Stephen KingThe Green Mile. Those who walk it do not return -- because at the end of that walk, at the Cold Mountain penitentiary, is the room in which sits the electric chair. It is 1932. The newest inhabitant of Death Row is a giant black man, John Coffey, convicted -- apparently...
Original book art, books, etsy sketch store, redbubble, murals, etc activities Free activities relating to my books for kids and teachers engage with Contact, appearances (speakers agency) and all the links you need other stuff Theatre, dogs, dabbling, Bananas in PJs and a visit to my studi...