史蒂芬·金/Stephen King『牠』是個變化萬千的可怕怪物,平常以小丑姿態出現街頭,專門誘騙路過的行人,尤其是天真的孩童,幸運者或可躲過,不幸者則難逃劫數。 『牠』隨時可以變作蜘蛛、會爬的眼睛、木乃伊…… 『牠』住在下水道裡,口吐濁氣,瞪著黑洞般的雙眼,伺機攫捕…… ...
[澳]史蒂芬·金/[美]斯蒂芬·金/Stephen King地球的各端,都存在著桃樂絲的秘密。唯有史蒂芬金能為弱勢的她們發聲,尖叫出,有限世界裡一陣陣漫無邊際的酸楚。 全美暢銷書排行榜第一名,再次進入史蒂芬金真情流露的恐怖情境! 本書是恐怖小說大師史蒂芬.金繼《綠色奇蹟》《刺激1995》的另一本暢銷巨著。全書經由主角桃...
s illustrations were originally created as set and costume designs for the Humperdinck opera ofHansel and Gretelin 1997. This new edition ofHansel and Gretelwill be published in the US by HarperCollins Children’s Books and in the United Kingdom by Hodder Children’s Books, part of Hachette ...
s illustrations were originally created as set and costume designs for the Humperdinck opera ofHansel and Gretelin 1997. This new edition ofHansel and Gretelwill be published in the US by HarperCollins Children’s Books and in the United Kingdom by Hodder Children’s Books, part of Hachette ...
作者: Stephen King / [美] 斯蒂芬·金 出版社: Scribner 出版年: 2014-6-3 2021-03-09 19:25:16 赞 回复 22 来自:豆瓣读书 Different Seasons 9.2 (74人评价) 作者: Stephen King / [美] 斯蒂芬·金 出版社: Turtleback Books 出版年: 1983-8-29 2021-03-09 19:23:12 赞 回复...
Stephen King A Final Word on Stephen King’s Best-Selling Books So what are the best Stephen King books? The answer depends on where you look. Accurate sales figures are hard to calculate, but thebooks that sellthe best are often the ones adapted into movies or shows. ...
Read books written by Stephen King in our e-reader absolutely for free. Author of Insomnia, The Waste Lands, It
Books Note.The page is still under development so not everything will work yet! We look forward to seeing you again soon. Stephen King, the master of horror and suspense, has captivated generations of readers with his storytelling. His books go far beyond just scaring you—they delve deep ...
These are books, King writes, that directly inspired him: “In some way or other, I suspect each book in the list had an influence on the books I wrote.” To the writer, he says, “a good many of these might show you some new ways of doing your work....
King has said he has a particular fondness for Lisey's Story, IT, and some of his short stories, like The Body (which became the movie Stand by Me). But really, any book with his name on it is bound to be a good scare! Next Best Books For Game Of Thrones Fans What happens...