NEJM上这篇最新研究,讨论的是感染性胰腺炎坏死(infected pancreatic necrosis,IPN)的手术干预时机。 感染性胰腺炎坏死(IPN)是急性胰腺炎后的严重并发症,约 1/3 的坏死性胰腺炎患者出现继发感染,病死率达 30%,是造成急性胰腺炎患者死亡的重要原因之一。[1]...
当地时间2024年8月31日,在欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)年度大会上,一项题为“Long-term Outcomes of Intensive Blood-Pressure Control in Older Patients with Hypertension: Final Six-year Results of the STEP Trial”的大型临床研究正式发布了...
[1] Am J Hypertens, 2003, 16(11 Pt1): 959-965. [2] Lancet, 2013, 382(9891): 507-515. [3] N Engl J Med, 2015, 373(22): 2103–2016. [4] P Sobieraj, et al. Heartfailure events in a clinical trial of arterial hypertension-The acquittal ofthe SPRINT trial. Presented in 2020...
Instead, clinical trial recruitment is outsourced to less advantaged nations, where access to care and resources is limited and where the outcome of the trial may not directly benefit those who took part. Many of the MS studies are now performed in Eastern Europe, with nearly all white ...
Clinical trial for step-down therapy in patients with mild to moderate asthma,West China Hospital, Sichuan University,Interventional,Not Applicable
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(Ref.83). Subsequently, however, when the wild-typeS. flexneriY parent strain SF1 was fed to North American volunteers, it was only minimally pathogenic84. So, it was not possible to attribute the clinical behaviour of the vaccine strain to the introduced mutation. By contrast, when anaroD...
13、old 7.3 Acceptable In takes in Relati on to LTL 与LTL暴露相关的可接受摄入量 Exposure 7.3.1 Clinical Development 临床研发 7.3.2 Marketed Products 已上市产品 7.4 Acceptable In takes for Multiple 多个诱变性杂质的可接受摄入量 Mutagenic Impurities 7.5 Excepti ons and Flexibility in 方法例外情况和...
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A Pfizer spokesperson told CNN the company has already begun to manufacture this vaccine. A day later, Moderna also announced it has begun dosing patients in a clinical trial testing its COVID-19 vaccine booster shot that is specific to the Omicron variant. ...