First the controversies against the development of stem cell research is that the process necessitates the killing of embryonic cells. This presents political problems because in the US, many people consider it as immoral to kill this basic life form since everyone was born from an embryo. Beside...
Stem Cell Research Protocols Stem Cell Research Video Hub Support Tell us how we can help Contact Technical Support Inquire about Stem Cell Services For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Your choices regarding cookies on this site ...
Research on stem cells provides critical insights into our understanding of development, genetics/epigenetics, physiology, reprogramming, regeneration, and disease, and is finding applications ranging from drug screening methods to cell transplantation. Here, we highlight work focusing on the basic biology...
Nearly 11 years after Wisconsin-led researchers reported the first isolation of human embryonic stem cells, the field became eligible this week for broad research funding by the US government. In final guidelines that went into effect onrn7 July, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ...
本刊的影响因子整体呈上升趋势,最新影响因子7.5分。 3)年刊文量 Stem Cell Research & Therapy的年刊文逐年增长,2022-2023年刊文量494篇,相比上年有所下降。 4)自引率 本刊自引率比较平稳,最新自引率8%。 版面费 本刊是一本混合OA刊,订阅出版无需版面费,开放获取出版费用3090美元(约人民币22358) ...
2023年10月4日,国际干细胞领域权威期刊“Stem Cell Research & Therapy”在线刊发了由华东理工大学张立新教授、欧阳立明副教授及唐颐创始人&总裁曹毓琳等专家组成的课题组的重大研究成果:微载体+生物反应器+抗氧化剂的Mictrip®3D培养方法能显著提高人脐带间充质干细胞(hUC-MSCs)的增殖效率,而且此方法培养出的hUC-...
2月3日由澳大利亚维多利亚州克莱顿哈德逊医学研究所里奇中心的研究者们发表在《Stem Cell Research & Therapy》一项题为“Acceptability of neural stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy: survey of the Australian cerebral palsy community”的...
Pluripotent Stem Cell Resource Handbook Pluripotent Stem Cell Protocol Handbook Stem Cell Research Protocols Stem Cell Research Video Hub Support Tell us how we can help Contact Technical Support Inquire about Stem Cell Services For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures....
Focuses on the United States Senate's consideration of the circumstances under which federal funds can be used for research on embryonic stem cells. Concerns raised by the anti-abortion movement; Senator Arlen Specter's track record in opposing abortion; Need for a federal policy on stem cells....
今天和大家聊一本国人友好,且影响因子一路稳健上涨的5分生物医学SCI杂志Stem Cell Research & Therapy。 先看撤稿统计: 近5年来,Stem Cell Research & Therapy杂志共撤稿4篇,包括2篇国人学者的文章,署名单位有大连医科大学、苏州大学等,撤稿原因主要有图像重复、细胞系污染、数据错误等。