Clanck is a barren planet, with no buildings since it's not actually a habitable world. See, machines have no habitability preference, so when the Lost Colony script tried to make an advanced empire with a matching habitability, it found a world that had no habitability! Clanck是个贫瘠世界...
* 当为联邦以及银河防卫军的舰船设计选择部件时,自动升级将会正确的应用所有的成员国科技。 * Fixed planetary automation sometimes failing to build anything if there was unemployment but multiple free jobs. * 修复了如果星球上有失业人口但是又有空闲工作岗位时行星自动管理有时不会建造任何建筑的问题。 * Fixe...
* Fixed a case where you sometimes wouldn't get the Does Not Compute achievement if multiple countries' fleets were bombarding the last AI planet. * 修复了某些情况下如果多国舰队同时轰炸最后一颗AI星球时有可能无法获得成就Does Not Compute(译注:在目前的Localization文件中,这个成就的文本不仅没被翻译,...
因此,在大家都在等待的时刻,我们为你呈上3.0.1版本号的改动日志,将于明天与涅墨西斯Nemesis一起发布! ### VERSION 3.0.1 ### Features# 特性###* Added several new diplomatic messages for Becoming the Crisis empires* 为化身天灾帝国增加了一些新的外交信息。### Balance# 平衡性###* A wormhole now ...