At its heart, Stellaris is a game about gaining Galactic Control. However peaceful you might try to be, the reality is you are playing to be the top dog. Most strategies in Stellaris revolve around gaining influence. Unsurprisingly, a bigger Empire tends to equal more influence. Secondly, if...
The native port of ARK: Survival Evolved is pretty poor, and online with the Windows version in Proton is broken due to the BattlEye anti-cheat used. Rocket League was removed from Steam, however it does work with Wine (which Proton is built from) if you use...
In essence,Star Trek: Infiniteplays out like a simplified version ofStellaris. It finds a wonderful middle ground, with gameplay complicated enough to be interesting to veteran strategy players, but intuitive enough to attract newcomers. However, the excitement can peter out by the end, causing th...