通过共同体议案星海威胁委员会 通过共同体议案异次元体实验方法 至少满足一项 危机未发生过 必须同时满足 游戏设置中允许所有天灾 没有全局flaggalactic_crisis_recently_fired(当天灾触发时设置,持续12年) 没有危机阵营国家(三大天灾、灰蛊风暴、大可汗,但天灾飞升不计) default_endgame_early_start_triggers为真的条...
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小灰是 event graygoo.401 event crisis. 10/100/1000/2000执行末日危机事件: “10” 开始 Prethoryn Swarm, “100” 群虫女王 子事件, “1000” 次元入侵者 “2000” AI 暴乱。[event id] crisis.[target id]event crisis.1000 eventscopes显示当前事件的范围树。无<Event open> eventscopes eventstats显示...
Unless the second option is chosen, there is a 50% chance that the Unbidden can spawn prior to the endgame start date; if so, every five years there is an 80% chance for the crisis to trigger, with that chance increasing significantly after the endgame start date. As such, it is ...
These Stellaris console commands trigger actions, as well as prompt developer features.CommandDescriptionParameters 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats (FPS and render time) – activate_relic Activates the triumph effect of [Relic ID] [Pop ID] [Ethic Key] add_ethic_pop Add ethic to a pop [Pop ID] [...
event (event id) - Triggers (event id) engineering (amount) - Adds (amount) of Engineering tech points, default 5000 federation_add_experience (amount) - Adds (amount) of Experience to the Federation, default 1000 federation_add_cohesion (amount) - Adds (amount) of Cohesion to the Federati...
If crime is high this will trigger a crisis that will build a Precinct House, ignoring the normal build order. 如果犯罪率太高,系统将触发一次危机,会无视正常的建造顺序而建造一座警署。 If a building in the build order can not be build, e.g. because you lack the technology, it will be ...
How to enter cheats Paradox Interactive Cheating inStellarisrequires you to open up the console command window. This is done by hitting theTilde keyon a typical keyboard. Once open, simply type or paste any of the cheats below to trigger their effects. ...
Hire them as mercenaries in your own conflicts, but take care that they don’t unify and trigger a new mid-game crisis! SOME NON-VIOLENT FEATURES New Ascension Perks and Civics are added in the expansion, along with new Unity Ambitions that provide new ways to spend Unity and customize ...
2.6 End Game Crisis2.7 Governments2.8 Leaders2.9 Factions2.10 Technology2.11 Units2.12 War3 AI3.1 Misc3.2 Sector3.3 Diplomacy3.4 End Game Crises4 User Interface5 User modding5.1 Misc5.2 Triggers6 Performance7 Bugfixes8 Graphics9 References 4楼2016-06-22 11:20 收起回复 1024398875 虫群之心 12 ...