超空间中继器 create_megastructure hyper_relay 以太相引擎 create_megastructure crisis_sphere_3 0为损坏版 3为最后一个阶段之前 4为直接建成引擎 事件可正常触发 量子弹弓 create_megastructure quantum_catapult_3 未经严密测试,但是可用 电弧熔炉 create_megastructure orbital_arc_furnace_1 _4才是最终完工形态...
event anomaly.3116匕首级护卫舰*1,收获者级掠袭艇*2 event crisis.250虫群大型战士*6,虫群小型级幼虫*16 event ancrel.6133热诚级护卫舰*1 event anomaly.2561 废弃的巡洋舰*1 event crisis.105虫后*1 event crisis.71 贝塔级战列巡洋舰*1,矛头级战列舰*1,王之首级巡洋舰*1,伽马级护卫舰*4,虫子碾压者...
危机触发需要玩家在游戏开始时选择了允许危机出现。每5年执行一次事件crisis_trigger.1,该事件将首先判定是否触发危机,如条件满足,再判定具体危机的类别(或者无危机)。 下述年份如无特殊标注,均为游戏设置中后期年份后度过的时间。 危机触发器 有三个子条件,当三个子条件均为真时,进行下面的具体危机判定,即按照修正...
event anomaly.3116匕首级护卫舰*1,收获者级掠袭艇*2 event crisis.250虫群大型战士*6,虫群小型级幼虫*16 event ancrel.6133热诚级护卫舰*1 event anomaly.2561 废弃的巡洋舰*1 event crisis.105虫后*1 event crisis.71 贝塔级战列巡洋舰*1,矛头级战列舰*1,王之首级巡洋舰*1,伽马级护卫舰*4,虫子碾压者...
查门: effect switch = { trigger = has_global_flag gray_goo_crisis_set = { custom_tooltip = "L星门盲盒的奖品是:灰蛊舰队"} dragon_season = { custom_tooltip = "L星门盲盒的奖品是:纳米龙哒" } gray_goo_empire_set = { custom_tooltip = "L星门盲盒的奖品是:纳米国家" } default = { custo...
* Added has_been_declared_crisis scripted trigger for use in cases where a BtC Level 5 empire might manage to dodge the declared_crisis flag check.* 添加has_been_declared_crisis文本触发器,以防天灾等级为5的帝国躲过declared_crisis的检测。* Added script effect log_error, because we all love ...
These Stellaris console commands trigger actions, as well as prompt developer features.CommandDescriptionParameters 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats (FPS and render time) – activate_relic Activates the triumph effect of [Relic ID] [Pop ID] [Ethic Key] add_ethic_pop Add ethic to a pop [Pop ID] [...
event (event id) - Triggers (event id) engineering (amount) - Adds (amount) of Engineering tech points, default 5000 federation_add_experience (amount) - Adds (amount) of Experience to the Federation, default 1000 federation_add_cohesion (amount) - Adds (amount) of Cohesion to the Federati...
The observation team is horrified; but if there was a crisis, it has been averted. Trigger conditions: The Coils of God: the Labyrinth Ceremonies Is triggered only by: Finishing the Prevent the Coils rituals special project "The Loop never ends, but it is not always completed." Tech ...
research_all_technologies <Creature / Crisis> Copy Command Copy Full add_trait_leader This command will add the specified trait to the leader with the specified ID. Use 'debugtooltip' to find leader IDs. Examples, Generator & More add_trait_leader <Leader ID> <Trait ID> Copy Command Copy...