portrait="humanoid_05"#肖像 虚空恶魔的肖像是【exd1】可以换换看 很帅的 ~~traits={#这里,就是我们要改的【物种特质】吧想要的特性代码加在这里第二段就好啦,请酌情选用。。对了,太多的特性会挡住游戏中物种ID酱trait="trait_psionic"#灵能 工程/物理/生物/能源/幸福+5%trait="trait_latent_psionic"# ...
https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/stellaris-3-8-3-7f44-serious-leader-portrait-bug-happened-when-species-trait-changes.1588172/我已经在官方论坛反映了这个问题,但Paradonks一项是资深的蟑螂老鼠蚂蚁爱好者,自然也不太会在意此事。还是需要大家的支持来扩大一下影响力.. 2楼2023-06-02 11:21 收...
We could perhaps make it possible in the future to let modders add diplomatic actions and species rights that are more generic and don't require code support, but the system is not designed around that and it's not something that we are currently working on. 答:当脚本无法添加某些内容时,通...
Change the portrait of an existing portrait group, and the modded portrait only appears when the species name, or empire flag, matches a certain condition. Allow both the unmodded portrait and the modded portrait to coexist in the same game. ...
In addition to adding robomodding, we've also added support for switching Pop portraits into the genemodding and robomodding systems. If set to be permitted for a particular species class, that species class can have its portrait changed to any other portrait in the same species class as part...
和 Stellaris 每个物种的肖像一样,此内容包含三个不同版本 (样貌) 以及专属动画。玩家可在开始新游戏阶段前,于帝国创建皮肤时选择此肖像。 购买 Expansion Pass 后即可立即取得这项独家内容 *此内容后续可单独购买 发布者 Paradox Interactive 开发者 Paradox Interactive...
9. 物种肖像现在通过portrait_sets分配给物种类别而不是通过species_classes。这将允许肖像拥有多个物种类别。 10. 为宜居度特质添加了bound_to_planet_classes。 11. 为肖像添加了sprite configurations已将VFX应用于人口和领袖。 12. 人口净化速度修正现在算作中性。
If set to be permitted for a particular species class, that species class can have its portrait changed to any other portrait in the same species class as part of the template creation process. This system is also fully accessible to modders. But more on that in a later dev diary.Robot ...
To celebrate the one year anniversary of Stellaris, Paradox is giving away the pre-order exclusive "Creatures of the Void" (portrait pack) and a new "Anniversary Species Portrait Pack" to all Stellaris players as a thank you for your support over the last year. Creatures of the Void include...
To celebrate the one year anniversary of Stellaris, Paradox is giving away the pre-order exclusive "Creatures of the Void" (portrait pack) and a new "Anniversary Species Portrait Pack" to all Stellaris players as a thank you for your