控制台(console),是群星(Stellaris)中用于修改,调试的一个控制器,呼出键位为‘~’。 打开控制台后输入对应的代码,回车即可生效。 控制台支持代码自动补全,键位为‘Tab’,例如在控制台中输入‘ins’后按下Tab,即可自动补全为‘instant _build’,如果是输入部分代码后自动补全时对应多个代码的情况,控制台会显示出所有...
控制台(console),是群星(Stellaris)中用于修改,调试的一个控制器。 注意,本页面中的+号大多指空格。注意想知道名称或者需要可以输入debugtooltip来实现。 注:铁人模式不可使用!(通过修改器可以绕过) 本页内容很长,请使用浏览器页面搜索功能快速定位 呼出 按下~呼出控制台 铁人模式下依然可以呼出,但是所有指令...
对此我最喜欢的例子是极度恐慌FEAR里的敌方AI。 So by typing 'debug_ai' in the console and observing an AI empire, you can see what it has in mind: 所以在控制台输入'debug_ai'然后观察一个AI帝国,你就可以看到这个AI在想什么。 "I don't even see the code. All I see is blonde, brunette,...
A: The console version is not made by us and is made by the super talented Tantalus and they always work on catching up but they will probably never work in conjunction with us to release simultaneous releases.答:主机版不是我们做的,是由超级有才的Tantalus做的,他们一直在努力追赶,但他们可能永...
上网搜了一下知道会出事所以提前塞了1k,结果陆军全挂了(陆军全部家产)然后还有经济危机,爆不动兵 分享13 stellaris吧 baogq5 从社区上抄来的控制台代码(关系到地块、稀有资源、还有区域)Console commands for orbital resources and planets "slots" click target planet, open console and type: for minerals, ...
* Decluttered debugtooltip for countries by adding a print_flags console command.* Added trigger in_breach_of = resolution.* Added num_system_planets trigger.* It is now possible to assign multiple solar system initializers to origins* Origins can now have more system initializers*** to define...
EladrinFeb 27, 2025 Stellaris Dev Diary #371 - 4.0 Changes: Part 5 EladrinFeb 20, 2025 Stellaris Dev Diary #370 - 4.0 Changes Part 4 MrFreake_PDXFeb 13, 2025 Stellaris52866Bug Reports34000Console edition1287Suggestions20920Tech Support3134Multiplayer390User Mods4761Stellaris AAR (After Action ...
• Mabuchi RS-555PH-5255 Brushed DC Motor (rated 5000 RPM, 12 V, 3 A)• Universal input wall power supply • BDC CAN console based on EK-LM3S2965 Evaluation Kit • CAN cable and terminator; USB cable; ARM JTAG/SWD ribbon cable • JTAG debug adapter for 10-pin fine-pitch ...
If you use save editing to take the save off the ironman mode, you can use the "play" console command to change empires. If you host a singleplayer game as a multiplayer session, you can freely select a different empire. Pick whichever empire you want, and take whatever actions you ...
+4 Consumer Goods This ancient machine is nestled deep within the habitat's interior, built into its main reactor from where it also draws its power. A relic of whomever originally built this habitat, its matter replication technology is utterly incomprehensible to us. Tree of Life Tree of ...