effect add_modifier={modifier=pop_happiness_cheat} +1幸福effect add_modifier={modifier=pop_troubled_succession}风雨飘摇的继位-30%幸福effect add_modifier={modifier=pop_drought}旱灾-20%幸福effect add_modifier={modifier=pop_did_not_kill_stalker}试图击杀突变体时失败了-20幸福effect add_modifier={...
cheat = { length = 30 resources = { cost = { influence = 50 } } modifier = { ship_speed_mult = 9.0 #艦船速度(亞光速) +900% } potential = { is_ai = no #AI無效 } allow = { } ai_weight = { weight = 0 modifier = { weight = @EdictLowPrio has_monthly_income = { resour...
Change your gaming experience with Novus Orbis, the mod overhaul that adds tons of features and redesigns the way we play Stellaris. The main goal originally was to remove sectors, improve ground combat, and expand the options for building up colonies. What we have today is a wide range of ...