starting_system=441 #起始星系,即开局母星星系 owned_leaders={ #拥有的领导人id,相应领导人的country值必须为当前国家id,否则会出错(游戏不会直接崩溃) 0 3 4 12 13 14 15 16 17 } owned_fleets={ #拥有的舰队id,每艘舰船都有一个舰队,相应舰队的owner值必须为当前国家id,否则会出错(游戏不会直接崩溃...
length=10.000#超时空航道长度,影响FTL为超时空的舰船的FTL时间 } { to=928 length=10.000 } } asteroid=50.000#小行星带的半径,会生成小行星带,不包括其中的可选定的小行星 arm=3#悬臂id,仅限两悬臂和四悬臂银河 flags={#星系标记 empire_home_system=62808000#某个帝国的母星 precursor_4=62808000#可能出现...
51. 添加了set_council_position_to_council脚本效果以在内阁中放置席位。52. 添加了leader_lifespan触发器,用于基于LEADER_LIFESPAN_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE,MOD_LEADER_LIFESPAN_ADD和MOD_LEADER_LIFESPAN_MULT的领袖寿命计算。53. 为领袖特质添加了triggered_system_modifier修正。54. 添加了X_tech_cost_mult修正。55....
add_trait_species 0 trait_talented 领袖最高等级+1 add_trait_species 0 trait_quick_learners 经验+25 add_trait_species 0 trait_traditional 传统岗位产出+10 add_trait_species 0 trait_very_strong 非常强壮 军队攻击力+40 劳工基础产出+5 add_trait_species 0 trait_strong 强壮 军队攻击力+20 劳工基础...
In the new system, sectors will be created by making a planet a Sector Capital. This will immediately form the sector and include all systems within 4 jumps of the Sector Capital. We originally had thought to make the range 6 jumps, but we feel like 4 jumps feels better. ...
Any system or planet not within a sector will be considered to belong to “Frontier Space”. 核心星域Core Sector是由围绕着你的母星和所有在星域范围内的星系建立起来的星域。常规星域Regular Sector是围绕一个星域首府Sector Capital建立起来的星域,你可以指定星域首府,它也将包含进所有在星域范围内的...
51. 添加了set_council_position_to_council脚本效果以在内阁中放置席位。 52. 添加了leader_lifespan触发器,用于基于LEADER_LIFESPAN_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE,MOD_LEADER_LIFESPAN_ADD和MOD_LEADER_LIFESPAN_MULT的领袖寿命计算。 53. 为领袖特质添加了triggered_system_modifier修正。
Available add-ons Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features Copilot for business Enterprise-grade AI features Premium Support Enterprise-grade 24/7 support Pricing Search or jump to... Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... Provide feedback We read every piece...
星域也会有一个星域焦点Sector Focus,它的运作方式类似于当前2.2版本号。行星的自动控制将会把星域焦点和行星指名(见下文)纳入考量之中。 Sector geography 星域方位 The current plan is to have systems be automatically added to a sector within range. If a system could belong to two different sectors...
AI much less likely to build this in the same sector as Shroudwalkers Naval Logistics Offices Changes AI can now build these on Orbital Rings. New Starbase Buildings Star Patrol Office CostTimeUpkeepOrbital Ring 200 360 3 No Requirements Max 1 per system. Starbase must have at least 1 Hange...