Sectors 星域 In the new system, sectors will be created by making a planet a Sector Capital. This will immediately form the sector and include all systems within 4 jumps of the Sector Capital. We originally had thought to make the range 6 jumps, but we feel like 4 jumps feels better. ...
Fixed a stall that could happen with large sectorsImproved performance in factions viewImproved performance in fleet viewImproved performance in Sector AI's monthly updatesMinor improvements in AI calculationsBugfixes[edit]Leader death chance tooltip now displays correctly for leaders with non-standard ...
Due to its sheer size, news does not travel at the same speed across all sectors. Even though a month has passed since the Empire collapsed, there were still those who did not know of the disaster unfolding around them. So when the Stellaris emerged from Hyperspace in a distant star ...
After getting the main concept approved, it was time to build the event chain. The onboarding tasks required me to create new ship types, so I decided to make some static Tiyanki gravekeepers protecting the arc site. I knew some players would never hurt a Tiyanki, though, and I wanted...
it was not possible to use secondary species, and there were a number of small issues with starting setups, such as starbases and sectors not automatically spawning. It also wouldn't call the empire_init on_actions, which would cause further divergence from how things would be if a regular...
* Sectors have been greatly improved in 2.3, allowing the player more control over how and where they are formed, as well as giving more robust automation tools to let them run themselves if you want to focus on the bigger picture. * 在2.3版本号中星域得到了很大的改进,允许玩家更好地控制...
territory and also if your a alliance leader and your a small alliance but you still have territory it’s hard to gain more the only way you can gain more is by attacking a alliance or buying a territory because medium and big alliances they like to sell sectors at times but it’s ...
random_rulerReplace the ruler with a new random one– rebuild_sectorsRebuilds sector boundaries– recalc_fleet_presenceRecalculates fleet presence cache, useful if loading old saves.– regenerate_border_colorsRegenerates border colors for empires with the same primary color– ...
What you do next is up to you, you can keep building an insanely dense super-empire or purge the terrestrial menace to gain more space to fill with habitats and megastructures. Since habitats are pretty easy to manage, putting them in sectors should be no problem allowing you to keep ...
Different sectors of space also contain unique and valuable resources—trade networks will naturally emerge, leading to alliances vying over lucrative territories. As a player, you can choose to be a pure trader and buy valuable products from afar and sell nearby for profit. You can also speciali...