1、HoloISO HoloISO 是一个让非 SteamDeck 设备体验上 SteamOS 的系统。它并不是 Valve 官方的系统,但实在要说是也不是不行。它从 Steam Deck 官方映像构建而来,有着接近官方 SteamOS 的体验,UI 界面、游戏内容与正版别无二样。FSR、着色器预缓存、功耗控制、甚至 GPU 超频等 SteamDeck 有的功能,在 Holo...
IT之家 5 月 3 日消息,早在 3 月初,Valve 就为 Steam Deck 掌机用户发布了 SteamOS 3.0 的恢复镜像。然而,该镜像并不能直接安装到其他 PC 硬件上。 近日,一位民间大神在 GitHub 发布了SteamOS 3.0 的魔改版本 HoloISO,其第一个 Beta 版 Ground Zero 已经上线,向所有人免费开放下载。 IT之家了解到,HoloI...
Linux kernel - improved out-of-the-box support for DualShock 3 and 4; nspr, nss - update to latest from jessie to support chrome; Plymouth - merge latest upstream and add script support for system update notifications; plymouth-themes-steamos - implement progress bar while applying updates at ...
He has resorted to installing a gaming-focused Linux distro called Chimera OS - he notes that the similar HoloISO platform was not booting up on his handheld unit. On-board audio is reported to be non-functional - the Ally is connected to an external USB-C hub that outputs sound via the...
AYANEO NEXT LITE comes pre-installed with the Pre-installed HoloISO for the first time So, what is "HoloISO"? One visit to the HoloISO GitHub page tells you everything you need to know. As stated on the app's page: This project attempts to bring the Steam Deck's SteamOS Holo redist...
SteamOS, the Linux-based operating system created by Valve that gained fame on the Steam Deck, might be coming to more devices in the future. There has been talk and suspicion about SteamOS running on other devices for as long as the Steam Deck has been around. Thebest PC gaming handheld...
Once you have downloaded the distro’s ISO, you can use either balenaEtcher or dd to create a bootable USB stick. This will allow you to properly burn the ISO to the USB stick and boot your system from it. 2] Install ChimeraOS
For 'Boot selection,' choose 'Disk or ISO image.' Click the 'SELECT' button, find your 'Windows.iso,' and click 'Open.' For the 'Image option' drop-down menu, choose 'Windows To Go.' Important: It's critical that you follow this step carefully and choose 'Windows To Go.' This ...
【吹大咗啦 💢 !!】早前 Ayaneo 宣布推出 Next Lite 遊戲掌機,並宣稱是首台採用 SteamOS 作業系統的第三方 PC 掌機,採用 Ryzen 5 5825U 處理器令售價可以壓至更低。許多人對市場上出現非官方的 SteamOS 掌機感到興奮,然而事實卻與宣稱有所出入。
Point VirtualBox towards the SteamOS .iso file under the Storage options to “insert” the virtual disc in the virtual machine. (Click to enlarge.) Lastly, click on theStorageoptions button. Here we’ll load up the ISO we downloaded earlier, so our SteamOS virtual PC can boot from it. ...