本吧热帖: 1-萌新求助,sk奇美拉os怎么改方向 2-有消息说steamos官方将支持rog掌机 3-请问下系统的帧数是只有60hz吗 4-问一下Steam OS对非Steam游戏的兼容性怎么样? 5-V社是不是不再更新PC版的steamOS了? 6-V社还有把Steam OS带到家用电脑上的计划吗? 7-萌新求助求助 8-S
- windows11 iso 镜像 https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/software-download/windows11 - 这是官方的下载地址,下载出来的 ISO 为当前最新的 **22H2** 版本- SteamDeck windows 相关驱动 https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/6121-ECCD-D643-BAA8 - 如果之前下载过,记得重新检查一下声卡驱动是否是...
Now that your Steam Deck has been upgraded, it is time to flash the OS into the new SSD. Follow the steps below: DownloadRufusonto your PC or Laptop. It helps create a bootable pen drive. Proceed to plug in your USB Pen Drive. Go over to thislinkto download the SteamOS ISO image. ...
安装的Build:Steam OS安装使用的虚拟机:VMware Workstation 10安装时间:2013.12.14 11:00A.M.安装选择的系统:Debian7.1 64位 Akulov Whistler 12 准备工具:4G以上U盘1只\Ultra iso,楼主因为iso的问题选择了前者SteamOS的自定义安装版(地址:http://store.steampowered.com/steamos/download/?ver=custom)VMWARE Aku...
Valve has a guide on how to recover Steam OS on the Steam Deck here. In any case, if you fancy turning your Steam Deck into a full Windeck, the steps are quite similar to the above with a few exceptions. As above, navigate to the official Windows 11 download page. Under the '...
使用基于Windows的PC执行以下操作: 转到dell.com/support/home/Drivers/OSISO/ 输入您的服务编号。 键入验证代码 单击Check Availability(检查可用性) 单击Alienware Steam Machine recovery image 旁边的 Download 下载并安装Dell OS Recovery Tool 打开Dell OS Recovery Tool 按照屏幕上说明进行操作 完成此...
本吧热帖: 1-萌新求助,sk奇美拉os怎么改方向 2-有消息说steamos官方将支持rog掌机 3-请问下系统的帧数是只有60hz吗 4-问一下Steam OS对非Steam游戏的兼容性怎么样? 5-V社是不是不再更新PC版的steamOS了? 6-V社还有把Steam OS带到家用电脑上的计划吗? 7-萌新求助求助 8-S
1. Before we can modify the Steam Deck to dual-boot into Windows, we must download the official Windows ISO To do this, we will utilize the official “Media Creation Tool“. It makes getting an official version of Windows super simple. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/...
Step 1: Download the Steam OS Recovery Image You can download the recovery image by visiting Valve'sSteam Deck Recovery Instructions page. Once you're there, you can find the Steam Deck recovery image under the first step of the "Steam Deck Recovery Instructions" part of the page. Click on...
cetossteam9安装DOCKER后steamdeck安装windows IT之家 7 月 16 日消息 Valve 今天宣布了其新的游戏掌机SteamDeck,该掌机运行一个定制的 Linux 操作系统,名为 SteamOS。这款 7 英寸的设备可以玩最新的 AAA 级游戏,而且由于它是一台 PC,玩家甚至可以在上面安装 Windows,这意味着SteamDeck 可以秒变掌上 Xbox,因为...