Steam Deck 玩家对该 UI 应该会感到眼熟,但 2 月的客户端更新将其美观而简洁的体验带给了所有希望用手柄来浏览 Steam 的客户。 改进后的 UI 还带来了全范围搜索。有了该功能,用户就可以同时在商店、库以及好友列表中进行搜索了。 新 UI 还添加了对购物、手柄设置调整以及快捷访问菜单的优化。 购物车及私密游戏...
【库上加酷!全新Steam库界面开启测试】Steam客户端于北京时间9月18日对玩家的游戏库的UI进行了更新,这次更新的核心简单的来说就是“库上加酷”。 玩家的游戏库不仅看上去更酷了,同时也增加了更多可以筛选排...
11:36 三星OneUI 6.0 安卓14 正式版! 01:50 谷歌Pixel Fold 评测 | 一个月后... 20:25 三星Z Fold 5 对比 Pixel Fold - 2023年最佳折叠手机? 14:33 改善我生活的15款应用程序 12:04 摩托罗拉Razr 40评测 09:13 三星Galaxy Z Flip 5 | 开箱 & 全程展示 17:42 我见过的最亮的OLED... 10...
(UI按钮调用函数) 08:12 LineRenderer(线渲染器创建和设置) 05:15 LineRenderer.SetPositions和SetPosition(为线渲染器设置曲线点) 06:13 OnDestroy(被删除时执行事件(亡语)) 01:31 UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.path.corners和LineRenderer(显示自动寻路路线) 05:25 Sprite(精灵贴图) 03:33 HideInInspector(隐藏...
The first patch after the new update has been released! I tried to address a lot of the initial feedback about the overall UI design as well as various bugs and issues that have been found. The patch includes: - Improvement: Simpler and more intuitive UI design ...
This was referencedAug 3, 2023 kisak-valveadded theNeed RetestlabelAug 15, 2023 This can be fixed by toggling the runtime override and waiting for the full content update. It's not a persistent issue though, contrary to what@RA3236reports this doesn't persist in a future steam client lau...
常见解决办法:1、删除Steam目录下的SteamUI.dll,运行Steam平台更新 2、删除Steam目录下的package文件夹...
The UI has been updated: Faster Strategic Map & Stratagem Map on big Planets Re-roll button for the Apocalypse Phase has been added Skill roll preview mouse overs have been added For those of you who want to know every detail of the Core 1.2 update, a detailed changelog is availablehere....
Screenshot of Steam application, with the new redesigned UI (in August 2023) Screenshot of Steam mobile app (in August 2023) Screenshot of Steam homepage (circa 2012) SteamisValve'sdistribution platform, created to kick-start the digital distribution era for games. Steam allows users to easily...