Additional thanks to Paragon for checking if my stats weren't butchered. 简介:本文的完成主要归功于已有些年头的“PAYDAY 2: The Numbers”指南以及“The Long Guide”指南对我的启发。前者由Big F 和Faildozer合力完成,后者则为Frankelstner撰写。本文的数据得自gir489对Paydaytheheist脚本语言成功的反编译。
PAYDAY 3 Steam2h 21m 2/22 7 September 21, 2023 I'm on Observation Duty 5 Steam10m 1/10 12 September 20, 2023 Longvinter Steam25m 1/29 83 September 3, 2023 Insurgency: Sandstorm Steam9h 19m 16/35 2930 August 30, 2023 Icarus Steam55h 37m 4/40 120 August 28, 2023 Human ...
PAYDAY: The Heist Steam3h 40m 4/56 93 September 21, 2023 PAYDAY 2 Steam286h 10m 516/1328 8484 September 19, 2023 SCP: Containment Breach Remastered Steam1h 55m 10/59 1080 September 7, 2023 Quake II Steam9h 7m 9/13 1481 August 28, 2023 Destiny 2 Steam15h 18m 4/23 439 Au...
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PAYDAY 3 - Beta Steam4h 16m August 3, 2023 A Way Out Steam8h 16m 5/14 784 July 31, 2023 Portal 2 Steam21h 7m 51/51 8923 July 30, 2023 Monument Valley Steam2h 21m 19/19 880 July 3, 2023 House of Detention Steam22m 49/100 1178 June 8, 2023 VTube Studio Steam1h 51m June...
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PAYDAY 2 VRVOWICHP PhasmophobiaVOWICHP POPULATION: ONEVOWICHP PrimordianVOWICHP Project Terminus VRVOWICHP ProtonwarVOWICHP Protonwar DemoVOWICHP PROZE: PrologueVOWICHP Rec RoomVOWICHP Robinson: The JourneyVWI Sairento VRVOICHP Serious Sam 3 VR: BFEVOWICHP ...
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