(P.S. 描述中表示装备高爆弹之后捡弹会比正常低,不过用More Weapon Stats查看数据时发现无变动,不知道是OVK的数值BUG还是mod的问题,希望有大佬能解答)盖奇的武器DLC总是特别神奇,很多的包都是配件或者附赠品比本体更值得买一些,盖奇的霰弹包就是个很好的例子。M1014可以说是这三把里头表现相对而言最好的:射速快...
造訪Steam 上的官方討論區共20 個成就達成,分數合計為 10.00 成就說明已爬行分數回報類型 It Takes Two to Tango In The Big Bank job, hack the correct computer on the first try. Unlocks "The First American" mask, the "Parchment" material, the "Roman" pattern and the "Tactical Grip" for the...
Achievement Stats.com 總覽 新聞 排名 成就 指南 徽章 搜尋 Steam 遊戲 統計 API 關於本站 A Truckload of Kicking Ass and Taking Names Complete the Watchdogs job on the Very Hard difficulty or above. (0.87 分) 為此成就提交指南 排名名稱成就達成 1 Krispykins 2017/10/21 18:35:44 2 Wayofthe...
Payday 2 on Steam $5.99 Thumbs 9 Replies 10 frumpishMar 9, 2015 Last Reply: Mar 14, 2015 Harlekin Beaten Thumbs 6 Replies 14 Barad_the_dwarfFeb 27, 2015 Last Reply: Mar 13, 2015 Barad_the_dwarf Noob Questions Thumbs 4 Replies 8 Barad_the_dwarfFeb 18, 2015 Last Reply: Feb ...
Each weapon mod affects the appearance and stats of the weapon. Some include a tradeoff (for example, increasing accuracy but decreasing concealability), while others only make positive changes. Players should take care to look at the mod's effect on the stat table, as some descriptions are ...
(游戏名野马.44) fbi反应部队 ar15步(游戏名同上不重复) mp5 mp5k 雷明顿880 glock17 柯尔特左轮手 mp9冲锋(游戏名cmp) saiga12k (游戏名 一字马 izima) gensec安保部队 g36c步枪(游戏名jp36) ump45(游戏名爆狼冲锋) m249 (游戏名ksp机) m1014霰弹(就叫m1014) 186 steam吧 MUIBUI PAYDAY2最新DLC:屠夫BBQ...
Argos shotgun, (for those who dont know, if you click on the bronco in the above weapons layout, scrolling down the side of any gun in payday 2 are the weapon stats...and right at the bottom is the weapons "internal game name...in this case the bronco is called "the new_raging...
HUD Tab Stats Health bar Hold to pick Ingame-voice indicators Interact Time Hint Kill-Counters Laser options Multi language Support (English / Japanese / French / Russian) Numerical Suspicion Numerical interaction countdown Pacified Civilian Markers ...
Taking instant cash is not satisfying as in Payday 2 (indicator for secured bags and loose loot) It doesn't feel like im taking any money at all. Also splitting instant cash from colored money bags and normal money bags etc. in after heist stats would be great. ... Suggested by: Nos...