Removed expired licensed content (does not affect owners who have purchased PAYDAY 2 prior to this update) Crashes Fixed a crash when inviting or accepting in the SocialHub. Fixed a crash that could happen if dominating a cop while they were being electrocuted. Fixes Prevented Steam community ...
写在之前,进吧必读贴吧删封规则: 收获日2吧steam组 贴吧官方yy频道:71648661 Payday2各交流群: 收获日2贴吧官方群,群号码:113116378(千人群)(吧主带队禁挂禁飚车禁无关水) 收获日2玩家讨论群,群号码:150088288 Payday收获日讨...
SteamID:【企×鹅】 442957182 有需要的扣先 均为全球KEYPAYDAY 2 - Ultimate Edition(收获日2-终极版)60Pony Island (小马岛) 8腿Victor Vran (维克多·...
日语与中文本地化 我们十分高兴地宣布,在各位来自东方的朋友们的大力支持下,PAYDAY 2现在又添加了两门语言的本地化内容。你可以在Steam库内游戏的“属性”选项中切换至日语或简体中文。 如需切换,请右键点击游戏,在弹出菜单最下方选择“属性”,并在窗口中打开“语言”页签,即可选择你希望的游戏语言。 我们的本地...
What's good, heisters? Skins, skins, and skins! You created and voted for them, we’ll bring them in the game! Today we release the Community Safe 6 which includes 16 new Skins. Do you like a bit more future tech? Our new legendary Kross Vertex SMG Skin
Our official PAYDAY 2 Twitter: official PAYDAY 2 group on Steam: Stay awesome! Much love, OVERKILL_Elisabeth OVERKILL - A Starbreeze Studio 游戏 ¥42.00 过往活动开始时间2021年6月15日周二20:01CST ...
Payday2各群组..交友贴最近很多呀 看来都很寂寞 不过这个喧闹的世界里互相大喊最后可是谁都听不清对方的哟~1.每人限一楼介绍自己的群组2.可以附图3.先附上官方群组
This content requires the base game PAYDAY 2 on Steam in order to play. Buy PAYDAY 2: Buluc's Mansion Heist ¥ 29.00 Add to Cart Buy PAYDAY 2: Infamous Collection BUNDLE (?) Buy this bundle to save 52% off all 74 items! Bundle info -52% Your Price: ¥ 557.76 Add to Cart ...