Just wanted to tell you guys that we are actively translating the subtitles of PAYDAY 2 to different languages together with volunteer community members. We're currently translating the game to the following languages: - Russian (Translator group is full) - Dutch (Translator group is full) The ...
Our official PAYDAY 2 Twitter:https://twitter.com/PAYDAYGameOur official PAYDAY 2 group on Steam:https://steamcommunity.com/games/218620 Stay awesome! Much love, OVERKILL_Elisabeth OVERKILL - A Starbreeze Studio 游戏 ¥42.00 过往活动开始时间2021年6月15日周二20:01CST ...
The Armored Transport DLC is the second DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and lets players do every heisters dream – robbing armored transports, full of valuables, right in the middle of Washington D.C. If they're lucky, they can hit it big with a classic train rob
Don your crazy looking masks and get ready to embark on another epic crime spree with your PAYDAY 2 Steam PC key. Customize your mask and enjoy unique...
The free items normally granted by steam keys or by following the Steam group, can now be gained through connecting yourStarbreeze Nebula accountand your Epic Games account. If you have friends who finally got PAYDAY 2 via the free period on Epic, we even built a custom friends list for yo...
PAYDAY 2: Scarface Character Pack Steam Key GLOBAL $ 15.70 OFFERS FROM 18 SELLERS Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Prophet & The Warlock Steam Key GLOBAL $ 5.68 OFFERS FROM 22 SELLERS Ready or Not: Home Invasion (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL $ 7.20$ 10.38 -31% OFFERS FROM 19 SELLERS Asset...
武装突袭3,武装突袭,DAZY,尘埃3,尘埃,盖瑞MOD,GTA5,GTA3, H1Z1,just,payday2,吃鸡,RUST,彩虹六号围 分享61 arma3吧 薛定谔的旅客 为什么苹果电脑可以玩arma3。。买的时候没看到支持苹果系统啊,当时还弄了好久的双系统,还没弄成,现 分享233 steam吧 巴纳吉林克斯96 求助关于风起云涌2越南和武装突袭3和他们...
无故被全吧封了禁 分享3212 收获日2吧 bdpostbar 【搬运+翻译】Payday2全地图捷径大全【多GIF,不断更新】前两天无意中在社区里面看到有一篇关于PD2地图捷径的指南,感觉很有用,因此搬运过来供大家参考。原帖:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=406237824 1、技能需求 要实现以下这些捷径必须...
"Payday 2 sold more in the month after the [2015 microtransaction] controversy than in the month before, but they had a pretty big discount :) And Ark sold twice as more in the month after the review bombing [over its expansion] than in the month before despite having a smaller discount...
(如《Left 4 Dead 2》、《Garry’s MOD》)。更有类似《PAYDAY2》这样的游戏,会通过官方采纳创意工坊内容的方式将玩家的设计放入正式游戏内容中。(如下图) 如果你想要使用创意工坊里的内容的话,在创意工坊中点进你想要的内容,点击页面中间的“订阅”按钮(如下图),Steam就会自动为你下载该内容,下次启动之后就会...