The Steam Link app is available on Apple TV (tvOS) and Android TV / Google TV including devices such as Chromecast and Nvidia Shield. Alternatively, you can look into alternative solutions such as GeForce Now or Shadow. - Source: reddit (2, 3)...
Steam Link app is available free of charge, streaming your Steam PC games to phones, tablets, and TV.Proton is a tool for use with the Steam client which allows games which are exclusive to Windows to run on the Linux operating system. It uses Wine to facilitate this.... Performance:Slight Performance Problems Extremely slow startup ► Multiplayer Overall (online):Good Steam Link/Remote Play only works after disabling the Origin overlay. Proton Experimental Distro:Pop!<sid=4f6dc8ca-a1d0-4cd8-9096-efdcd86e0247 Join our Discord Community & Find Teammates 👇 === Discord 6 0 YouTube Video VVVmeGRwQzdxRjcxcGs1dkRaZWtxeFJBLm9UQ3A3Wk5jdVV3 Alvo VR Shooter Best ...
对于这个消息,在reddit论坛引起非常大反响。 据介绍官方发布介绍,PS4模拟器Spine目前还处于开发初期,不过已运行350款游戏,其中有50款左右可以完美运行。 // 官方提供三个网盘链接可以下载。文件大小为47.73mb(ubuntu20.04下 ...
4jasontv said: K. All consoles miss out on exclusives. You can't play Link's Awakening on a PS4 or XBoxOnes. Meanwhile the Switch is getting a PC ported to it 8 years after it was released. Getting the same low end experience across the exact same devic...
对于这个消息,在reddit论坛引起非常大反响。 据介绍官方发布介绍,PS4模拟器Spine目前还处于开发初期,不过已运行350款游戏,其中有50款左右可以完美运行。 // 官方提供三个网盘链接可以下载。文件大小为47.73mb(ubuntu20.04下 ...
项目地址// 今天,EA旗下知名第一人称射击游戏《Medal of Honor: Airborne(荣誉勋章:空降神兵)》开源引擎复刻项目openmohaa发布首个Beta版本0.80.0-beta。 据官方介绍 OpenMoHAA 的主要目标是通过提供新的补丁/功能来确保《荣誉勋章:空降神兵》在所有平台/架构上的未来和连续性。得益于 ...