游戏将会在电视上进行流式传输,你可以通过Steam Link应用来控制游戏。 方法二:使用电视上的Steam客户端 1.检查电视型号是否支持Steam客户端:首先,确保你的电视型号支持Steam客户端。一些智能电视品牌(如LG和Samsung)提供了预装的Steam应用,你可以直接登录并使用。 2.下载并安装Steam客户端 如果你的电视支持Steam客户端...
The Steam Link app is available on Apple TV (tvOS) and Android TV / Google TV including devices such as Chromecast and Nvidia Shield. Alternatively, you can look into alternative solutions such as GeForce Now or Shadow. - Source: reddit (2, 3)...
Steam 流式盒应用允许您在自己所有的电脑上畅玩 Steam 游戏。 只需将 MFi 或 Steam 控制器与您的 Mac 配对,连接到在同一个本地网络中运行 Steam 的电脑,即可开始畅玩您拥有的 Steam 游戏 | Steam Link怎么样,是否值得买 |
which is another reason why you should play Steam games on Android or iPhone. To play your favorite PC game, you need to make use of the Steam Link app. The app lets you stream PC games from your Steam library straight to your Android or iPhone. The Steam Link app supports 28 language...
想把游戏投到小米电视上,现在的路由器投上去很模糊 分享1赞 显卡吧 厂长时代 我觉得steam还是需要弄一套局域网连接电视机的好方案,现在steamlink需要安卓版本太高了 分享21 欧洲卡车模拟2吧 caobaokun steam deck串流到TV上,效果一言难尽刚到不久的SD,开欧卡和美卡还是很爽的,今天突发奇想用steam link串流到家...
If you have an unsupported TV brand like LG, Sharp, etc., you should not worry. Because you can easily use Steam Link using Apple TV, Android TV box, etc. There are even dedicated TV boxes for Steam Link. Chromecast users can enjoy the Steam library using some technical steps. However...
关注5.6W steamdeck吧 caobaokun 配合steam link串流到电视成功,效果可以串流到65寸TV上,效果还行,有点游戏存在分辨率问题,可以模拟鼠标左右键,有点蹩脚但是熟了没问题,中间键还没研究在哪 +3 分享326 steamlink吧 abgao001 Steam link 安卓TV版有线连接黑屏问题在电视盒子上安装了Steam link,电脑一直接的是有...
Steam Link app is available free of charge, streaming your Steam PC games to phones, tablets, and TV. Proton is a tool for use with the Steam client which allows games which are exclusive to Windows to run on the Linux operating system. It uses Wine to facilitate this. ProtonUp-Qt is...
分享495 当贝超级盒子吧 彼此の羁绊 当贝盒子通过Steamlink串流玩PC游戏图文教程1.将电脑和电视盒子连在同一网络内(小编用的是网线连接),电脑上安装Steam; 2.将Steamlink的安卓端APP安装到当贝超级盒子并打开APP; APK下载地址,请到ZNDS智能电视网搜索“畅快低时延,当贝盒子Steamlink串流玩游戏教程”文章,进行下载; 3...
日前,允许用户从一台电脑向另一台设备流媒体传输 Steam 游戏的 Steam Link 已在 Mac App Store 正式发布。 随着macOS 上的 Steam Link 的推出,用户现在可以选择这款轻量级应用(29.8MB)来将游戏流式传输到他们的 Mac 上,而不是必须安装 Steam 应用(需要 1GB 的驱动空间)。