After doing all the normal tinkering, it's been running flawlessly, so anyone contemplating doing it on their 64 GB deck, I say go for it! - from Reddit The user just wants to install Windows on Steam Deck and has succeeded. The case confirms that this operation is feasible. Installing...
关闭steamos的只读模式:sudo btrfs property set -ts / ro false 执行一下命令设置pacman(我理解是一个包管理工具) sudo pacman-key --init sudo pacman-key -- populate archlinux 这部分可以参考 在命令行中...
要理解为什么这项分析对您这位Steam Deck OLED的玩家或未来的玩家如此重要,我们首先需要用简单易懂的语言解释一下PWM(脉冲宽度调制)或屏幕闪烁是什么意思。PWM是一种技术(软件),市场上95%的屏幕都使用它来成功调节亮度,从100%到0%。然而,您可能不知道的是,为了实现这一点,它们以眼睛无法察觉但能感受到后果的速度...
How to boot and install Windows on Steam Deck Holding the volume down button allows you access to the secret Steam Deck boot manager.(Image credit: Ben Wilson | Windows Central) Now that you have a micro SD card set up as a portable edition of Windows, you can safely remove it from yo...
Simple rEFInd install script for the Steam Deck (with GUI customization) - jlobue10/SteamDeck_rEFInd Guide/%E6%9B%B4%E6%8D%A2Steam+ Deck%E7%9A%84%E5%90%8E%E7%9B%96/148893 删掉表情访问,可能需要飞机场 来自Android客户端6楼2023-02-06 21:04 回复 智者千虑 远近闻名 10 第二个链接:
STEP 3: Installing Windows 11 on Steam Deck Select your language and tapNext. Tap onInstall now. Tap on Install now Note:Keep in mind that the installer might fail at this point. If this happens, restarting your Steam Deck and repeating the steps above will fix the problem. ...
使用curl命令安装podman脚本,这也是安装到/home/deck/.local/podman下的 curl-s|sh-s -- --prefix ~/.local 然后为/.local/bin和/.local/podman/bin目录添加用户级的环境变量 ...
Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) Valve'sSteam Deckhas finally started shipping to those who pre-ordered the machine early. It will take a long time for everyone to get their handheld game...