According to Reddit user jeremiah1119, however, latency isn't that big of a concern for Steam Deck users who have Moonlight. Moonlight is a game streaming application that allows users to cast their native desktop environment from the PC over to a different device, like a mobile phone or t...
steam deck..终于是到手开箱啦!第一次玩steam deck,还是挺激动的,对比win掌机明显oled屏幕显示很好,原生的steam OS系统也很舒服,接下来慢慢把玩了。话说有什么steam deck的玩机网站不,
消息显示,Valve在这台PC游戏掌机中的“目标”是30fps,Valve程序员Pierre-Loup Griffais在访谈中明确地表示了这一点。现在Valve正在极力消除这一影响,澄清表示这个“目标”的意思是确保Steam Deck用户所能看到的最低帧率。 澄清消息仍然是由Pierre-Loup Griffais发表的,他现在俨然已经成为这款新掌机的公共发言人。
不过现状是,官方目前只提供 Steam Deck 专用版本。如果访问 custom 镜像链接,会被重定向到 Steam Deck 的修复镜像下载页面,得到的是 steamdeck-repair-20231127.10-3.5.7.img.bz2 文件。这个镜像文件并不是通用安装镜像,在普通 PC 上安装会遇到问题,卡死在启动界面。而且它与官方仓库 evlaV/jupiter-PKGBUILD[5] ...
That’s console streaming, but what about non-Steam games on PC? We have theHeroic Games Launcher. Earlier this year, I was enamored withPrince of Persia: The Lost Crown.It’s the perfect Steam Deck game, except for the fact that it’s not available on Steam. Instead, I bought it on...
steam deck..最近才关注steam deck。刚好发现要发售新款刷了20多分钟才下单成功一直报错3到5个工作日到货狠狠期待已打包不知道周末会不会配送到了
Steam Deck..byd刚到手就发现有个坏点😅,看论坛也好多有坏点的,果断RMA
或者至少一些 Steam Deck 存在这个问题。Reddit 社区发现 V社实际上发布的 Deck 中事实上包含两种不同风扇的一种:一个由 Delta 制造,另一个则来为华英制造。其中 配备了 Delta 风扇的 Deck 拥有者抱怨噪音最多。 V社拒绝对风扇的选择发表评论。而同时电子产品维修用品和零件经销商 iFixit 也表示,不清楚当有替换...
PC. It's as functional as it looks. This portable gadget has the processing power of a supercomputer and a touchscreen. Despite Steam Deck's many advantages, some Steam Deck users have reported issues with their device's SD card not showing up. Here is a real user story fromReddit: ...