启动盘制作完成后关闭软件弹出U盘,把它插上机器,Steam Deck同时按住电源键和音量+键,听到启动音后松开电源键,但不要松开音量+键,即可进入BIOS。 进入BIOS后,我们选择Boot Manager,再选择U盘启动。 启动完成后进入SteamOS恢复页面,因为是要完全重装系统,所以我们选择Re-image Steam Deck,对Steam Deck重新映像,等待操作...
(注2:此修复步骤专门适用于SteamDeck_rEFInd脚本,如果是其他版本的rEFInd变种,可参考同样的逻辑和步骤) 其他Steamdeck双系统方案项目参考: 1.jlobue10 SteamDeck_rEFInd https://github.com/jlobue10/SteamDeck_rEFInd 2.ryanrudolfoba SteamDeck-Clover-dualboot https://github.com/ryanrudolfoba/SteamDeck-Clover...
首先将U盘接入SteamDeck,按住音量+键,别松手,短按电源键,等出现屏幕出现画面后,再松音量键。进入引导系统之后,通过方向键操作,移动到Boot Manager,按A键进入二级页面。找到EFI开头后面是你U盘名字的选项,按A键进入二级页面。接下来会自动执行,期间不要动设备,等如下图所示出现桌面再操作。PS:如果需要重置...
cd ~/SteamDeck-Clover-dualboot回车chmod +x install-Clover.sh回车./install-Clover.sh回车接着提示输入密码,输入的字符看不见,正常正常输入。回车 接下来引导会自动部署,选择下默认系统就行,不懂请直接全用默认配置。 重启SteamDeck,可以看到各系统的选择,如果不选会自动进入默认的系统,至此引导部署完成。 PS:...
1、下载SteamDeck-Clover2、os系统桌面模式右键点击Clover.sh选择Run In Komsole。3、输入管理密码。4、进入win系统,以管理员身份运行cmd,执行代码bcdedit.exe* -set {globalsettings} highestmode on(解决花屏问题)。注意:系统更新造成引导丢失的解决办法1. 关机状态,先按 [音量+] ,再按开机键。2. 进入 Boot ...
⏹ 安装Clover引导 注意看说明,不要乱操作。 1️⃣重启到SteamOS桌面模式 还是老样子,将U盘接入SteamDeck,按住音量-,别松手,短按电源键,等出现屏幕出现画面后,再松音量键,进入Boot,选择SteamOS,按A键确认进入。 进入SteamOS之后,按Steam键打开菜单,选择电源。 用方向键选择切换到桌面,按A键确认。 2️⃣...
Once done, boot to SteamOS to install Clover! Boot into SteamOS, then go into Desktop Mode and open a konsole terminal. Clone the github repo. cd ~/ git clonehttps://github.com/ryanrudolfoba/SteamDeck-Clover-dualboot If it errors that folder already exists, delete the old folder first ...
Script to install Clover - a graphical boot manager for the Steam Deck. - Updated for the upcoming Batocera v39 · ryanrudolfoba/SteamDeck-Clover-dualboot@60e6671
Although she moved to Tokyo straight after graduating university in order to seek employment, Mizuno Sachiko soon quit her job to establish Clover Design with her childhood friend Takako, becoming its young CEO. Her main hobby is reading, but only because nothing else manages to interest her. Al...
Hemedans, 05 Apr 2023Its is dualboot, just Google "steam deck clover" you can see plenty of deck with mul...moreYou simply don't understand it. Good for you. But ok. A unit with pre-installed android and windows as dual boot. Controlled by a slider that determines what to boot up...