启动盘制作完成后关闭软件弹出U盘,把它插上机器,Steam Deck同时按住电源键和音量+键,听到启动音后松开电源键,但不要松开音量+键,即可进入BIOS。 进入BIOS后,我们选择Boot Manager,再选择U盘启动。 启动完成后进入SteamOS恢复页面,因为是要完全重装系统,所以我们选择Re-image Steam Deck,对Steam Deck重新映像,等待操作...
1. 关闭 Steam Deck。 关闭电源时,按 [音量 +] + [电源] 2. 进入 Boot from File > efi > steamos > steamcl.efi 3. 等待SteamOS启动,它会自动修复双启动项 4. 下次重新启动时,Clover引导回复 3.如何卸载Clover引导? steam os- konsole 终端执行以下命令卸载 会提示您输入管理员(suod)密码 重新启动 S...
1. Boot into SteamOS, then go into Desktop Mode and open a konsole terminal. 2. Clone the github repo. cd ~/ git clonehttps://github.com/ryanrudolfoba/SteamDeck-Clover-dualboot If it errors that folder already exists, delete the old folder first - ...
Script to install Clover - a graphical boot manager for the Steam Deck. - Updated for the upcoming Batocera v39 · ryanrudolfoba/SteamDeck-Clover-dualboot@60e6671
• Burglar perk deck –The natural dexterity of the burglar has benefits beyond merely breaking and entering. Being nimble allows the burglar to pick locks, bag bodies and answer pagers faster. They are also harder to hit in combat. They stay alive by staying out of the way. This ...
BLACK CLOVER: QUARTET KNIGHTS Royal Magic Knight Set - Red 的顾客评测 总体评测: 6 篇用户评测 (6 篇评测) 最近评测: 评测结果 购得方式 语言 日期范围 显示 显示图表 筛选条件 排除跑题评测活动 游戏时间: 大部分在 Steam Deck 上 加载评测中…...
Steam Deck 双系统教程(新) - SteamOS & Windows 11 SUNYMITS 67745 SteamDeck升级3.6.20掉自动挂载解决方法 双盘双系统及单盘双系统均适用 败家君的游戏屋 SteamDeck TF卡双盘双系统设置开机默认进入SteamOS教程 败家君的游戏屋 02:44 SteamDeck双系统引导丢失的修复教程 ...
本人极度牛X创建的收藏夹deck折腾内容:SteamDeck Clover四叶草引导安装教程 适用单盘多系统、多盘多系统引导 不花屏 自动轻松地重新创建双引导,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
echo -e "$current_password\n" | sudo -S rm /etc/systemd/system/bootnext-refind.service &> /dev/null rm -rf ~/.SteamDeck_rEFInd &> /dev/null# check again if rEFInd is gone? efibootmgr | grep -i refind if [ $? -ne 0 ] then ...
Script to install Clover - a graphical boot manager for the Steam Deck. - update for batocera v39 / v40 · ryanrudolfoba/SteamDeck-Clover-dualboot@8becfe5