ForwardIt3 merge(ExecutionPolicy&&policy, ForwardIt1 first1, ForwardIt1 last1, ForwardIt2 first2, ForwardIt2 last2, ForwardIt3 d_first, Compare comp); (C++17 起) 归并二个已排序范围[first1, last1)和[first2, last2)到始于d_first的一个已排序范围中。
return std::copy(first1, last1, std::copy(first2, last2, result)); } int main() { std::vector<int> numbers1 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}; std::vector<int> numbers2 = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}; std::vector<int> merged(numbers1.size() + numbers2.size()); myMerge(numbers1.begin(...
std::merge 在标头<algorithm>定义 template<classInputIt1,classInputIt2,classOutputIt> OutputIt merge(InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1, InputIt2 first2, InputIt2 last2, OutputIt d_first); (1)(C++20 起为constexpr) template<classExecutionPolicy, ...
first2, last2-the pair of iterators defining the secondrangeof elements to merge d_first-the beginning of the destination range policy-theexecution policyto use comp-comparison function object (i.e. an object that satisfies the requirements ofCompare) which returns trueif the first argument ...
the first range of elements to merge first2, last2 - the second range of elements to merge d_first - the beginning of the destination range policy - the execution policy to use. See execution policy for details. comp - comparison function object (i.e. an object that satisfies the require...
std::list<T,Allocator>::merge voidmerge(list&other); (1) voidmerge(list&&other); (2)(C++11 起) template<classCompare> voidmerge(list&other, Compare comp); (3) template<classCompare> voidmerge(list&&other, Compare comp); (4)(C++11 起) ...
voidmerge(std::multimap<Key, T, C2, Allocator>&&source); (4)(C++17 起) 试图释出(“接合”)source中每个元素,并用*this的比较对象插入到*this。 若*this中有元素,其关键等价于来自source中元素的关键,则不从source释出该元素。 不复制或移动元素,只会重指向容器结点的内部指针。指向被转移元素的所有指...
template<class C2> void merge( std::set<Key, C2, Allocator>&& source ); (2)(since C++17) template<class C2> void merge( std::multiset<Key, C2, Allocator>& source ); (3)(since C++17) template<class C2> void merge( std::multiset<Key, C2, Allocator>&& source ); ...
void merge( std::map<Key, T, C2, Allocator>& source ); (1) (since C++17) template< class C2 > void merge( std::map<Key, T, C2, Allocator>&& source ); (2) (since C++17) template< class C2 > void merge( std::multimap<Key, T, C2, Allocator>& source ); (3) (since ...
void merge (const int a, int na, const int b, int nb, int c, int nc) int i, jk while( i(na &k i(nb if( ali] bljl) 当a[i]>[j],把b[i写入数组c c[k]=b[j];k+tj++;} /当a[i]<=b[j],把a[i]写入数组 clk] alil: k++: i++ while( i(na ...