std::map,而不是 stl::map:) 第二个将一个映射复制到另一个映射可以使用operator =或复制构造函数完成。 例如 map<X, Y> mp1; //fill mp1 with data map<X, Y> mp2(mp1); //mp2 is a copy of mp1 (via copy-construction) map<X, Y> mp3; mp3 = mp2; // mp3 is also a ...
std::map std::map<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>::emplace std::map<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>::get_allocator std::map<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>::at std::map<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>::operator[] std::map<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>::begin, std::map<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>::cbegin std::map<...
std::map<std::string,constValue*> getValues(); (One has a const the other one doesn't. It's kind of dumb that this matters, but it makes my compiler barf.) I just removed the const from the std::string part of the template type to make it compile. ...
ES6数据结构Set、Map 2019-12-19 16:20 −一、Set数据结构 Set是无序的不可重复的多个value的集合体,Set结构是类似于数组结构,但是Set中的值都不能重复 常用的属性和方法 size:返回set实例的成员总数 add():添加某个值,返回set本身 delete():删除某个值,返回一个布尔值,判断删除是否成功 ha... ...
just change the typedef MapType mymap; // Add elements to map here int k = 4; // assume we're searching for keys equal to 4 int v = 0; // assume we want the value 0 associated with the key of 4 MapType::iterator lb = mymap.lower_bound(k); if(lb != mymap.end() && ...
std::mapmeets the requirements ofContainer,AllocatorAwareContainer,AssociativeContainerandReversibleContainer. Template parameters This section is incomplete Reason: Add descriptions of the template parameters. Member types TypeDefinition key_typeKey mapped_typeT ...
typedef struct { const std::string* s; int i; } data; std::map<std::string, data> map; typedef std::map<std::string, data>::iterator iterator; // add an element to the map iterator add_element(const std::string& s) { std::pair<iterator, bool> p = states.insert(std::make_...
//add to map if exist if(it == gMap.end()) gMap.insert(map<string, int>::value_type(strTemp, 1)); //increase if not exist else ++ (*it).second; return true; } void OutPutWordsList() { cout << STR_INTERVAL << "/n--文件中单词的总数为:" ...