std::any_caststd::string(a) // yield copy of the value std::any_caststd::string&(a); // write value by reference std::any_cast<const std::string&>(a); // read-access by reference 如果把std::any中所包含的类型转换为移除了传递类型的顶层引用后的类型ID,则转换类型是适合的。如下: c...
std::shared_ptr<FrameHeader> header; any body;public:Frame(conststd::shared_ptr<FrameHeader> header,conststd::shared_ptr<void> body);std::shared_ptr<FrameHeader>get_header();anyget_body(); }; ...autoreal_obj_ptr = any_cast<shared_ptr<RealClass>>(frame.get_body());...
一个不注意,没发现 local_ 的类型不是 std::any . 修正 concept 检查。microcai requested a review from Jackarain October 14, 2024 15:25 promsietype 的 local_ 类型是 std::shared_ptr<std::any>, 修正之 313f4bd microcai force-pushed the fix_is_awaitable_promise_type_v branch from 7cf9f...
I am using anaconda as below: Now I have 2 issues that stop my work. 1) I cannot use conda install for any package. It will give me the error in solving environment list this: then it will fail again ... java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jdom.JDOMException ...
The assignment to theweak_thisis not atomic and conflicts with any potentially concurrent access to the same object. This ensures that future calls toshared_from_this()would share ownership with thestd::shared_ptrcreated by this raw pointer constructor. ...
(__py),*__n);}}}#ifdef _MANAGED// Avoid C4793, ... causes native code generationstruct __sp_any_pointer{template<classT>__sp_any_pointer(T*){}// NOLINT: runtime/explicit};inlinevoid__enable_shared_from_this_with(__sp_any_pointer,__sp_any_pointer,__sp_any_pointer){}#else/...
If the pointed-to object is deleted, a raw ptr doesn't have any idea. A std::weak_ptr does (and can tell you via the expired() member function or conversion to an empty std::shared_ptr via lock()) 3 Reply Moon July 21, 2024 2:00 am PDT const std::shared_ptr<Person> ...
Run this code #include <iostream>#include <memory>structFoo{Foo(intin):a(in){}voidprint()const{std::cout<<"a = "<<a<<'\n';}inta;};intmain(){autoptr=std::make_shared<Foo>(10);ptr->print();(*ptr).print();} Output: ...
<memory> std::shared_ptr::unique bool unique() const noexcept; Check if unique Returns whether the shared_ptr object does not share ownership over its pointer with other shared_ptr objects (i.e., it is unique). Empty pointers are never unique (as they do not own any pointers). Unique...