But how to implement std::map so that it would offer the information to the compiler: the std::map::key_type must be a type that has an overloaded operator< definition, you must check this at compile time. (I'm asking this question on stackoverflow.com, waiting for answer,http://sta...
These processes' metadata are stored in a std::map in a form <process id, pointer to process instance>. And there are two threads accessing the map after initialization. One keeps polling process status from the map and sending it to the client side, which is read onl...
使用make_pair报错当使用,并将其参数用作字符串时,编译就会报错.例如:mapcoll;coll.insert(make_pair("zxr","xh"))当然我在程序顶端包含了string,map,也写了using namespace std;错误提示如下:f:\microsoft visual s
std::unique_ptr<api06::Changeset_Updater> changeset_updater(new ApiDB_Changeset_Updater(m, changeset, uid)); return changeset_updater; return std::make_unique<ApiDB_Changeset_Updater>(m, changeset, uid); } std::unique_ptr<api06::Node_Updater> pgsql_update::get_node_updater(api06::OSMCh...
std::map<int32_t, std::string> myMap; // this is printed in debugger well But the typedef are used for maps very often. Our project contains lot of typedefs for containers when I trye to debug something like Snippet typedef std::map< int32_t, std::string > HandleValueT; ...
使用make_pair报错当使用,并将其参数用作字符串时,编译就会报错.例如:mapcoll;coll.insert(make_pair("zxr","xh"))当然我在程序顶端包含了string,map,也写了using namespace std;错误提示如下:f:\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\utility(21) :error C2536:'std::pair::first' :cannot specify ...