I constantly battle my emotions. I wake up with my hair drenched in tears. I fall asleep praying for the boys and those of us left behind. I spend my days smiling. Oh sweetheart I would give anything to change places with you. I wish you could be with your boys. They miss you so...
Khloé continued, “Every day after 8:30, when True’s asleep, I am crawling like I’m Leonardo DiCaprio out of ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ to my bed. Like, how do I get there? Then you wake up again and you do it all.” Khloe Kardashianat The 2022 Met Gala celebrating...
I’ve been doing some research recently on whether it’s possible for people to work at what they love AND get paid for it – the majority of responses so far from people have been YES, you can – as long as you don’t get stuck behind many of the excuses that you highlight! Over...