关于{"statuscode":401,"message":"unauthorized"}的解答 确认状态码401的含义: HTTP状态码401表示“Unauthorized”(未授权),意味着请求者没有权限访问该资源。这通常发生在需要身份验证的服务器上,当客户端没有提供有效的认证信息(如用户名和密码、API密钥、Token等)时,服务器就会返回401状态码。 分析导致401状态...
@Geena KimI think in this case you need the bearer token. I think some part of your code that generates the bearer token is not called or not used when you actually send the client request to the openai endpoint, instead it might be passing your openai API key and it causes ...
Symfony HTTP Status ConstantResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED Python2 HTTP Status Constanthttplib.UNAUTHORIZED Python3+ HTTP Status Constanthttp.client.UNAUTHORIZED Python3.5+ HTTP Status Constanthttp.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED .NETHttpStatusCode.Unauthorized Rusthttp::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED Javajava.net.HttpURLConnect...
The ServicePointManager does not support proxies with the https scheme. Retrying'FindPackagesByIdAsyncCore'forsource'https://nexus-cn/repository/nuget-group/FindPackagesById()?id='NLog.Web.AspNetCore'&semVerLevel=2.0.0'. Response status code does not indicate success:401(Unauthorized). 原因:登录用...
HTTP Status Code 401: “Unauthorized” Error Status code 401 – the “unauthorized” error, is a client-side error. Usually, this means the user’s login authentication credentials aren’t working. The user entered an incorrect password, or the server doesn’t know who the user is, and is...
· 401 - Unauthorized 访问被拒绝,客户试图未经授权访问受密码保护的页面。应答中会包含一个WWW-Authenticate头,浏览器据此显示用户名字/密码对话框,然后在 填写合 适的Authorization头后再次发出请求。IIS 定义了许多不同的 401 错误,它们指明更为具体的错误原因。这些具体的错误代码在浏览器中显示,但不在 IIS 日志...
Could not GET 'https://repo.spring.io/libs-release/xxxxx'. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized Disable Gradle 'offline mode' and sync project 这个原因是spring从2021.2.21日开始不再支持匿名用户访问/libs-release的目录了。 We will no longer support anonymous download of 3rd-party Ma...
套件: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref v9.0.0 HTTP 狀態碼 401。 C# 複製 public const int Status401Unauthorized = 401; 欄位值 Value = 401 Int32 適用於 產品版本 ASP.NET Core 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? Yes No 本...
· 401 - Unauthorized 访问被拒绝,客户试图未经授权访问受密码保护的页面。应答中会包含一个WWW-Authenticate头,浏览器据此显示用户名字/密码对话框,然后在 填写合 适的Authorization头后再次发出请求。IIS 定义了许多不同的 401 错误,它们指明更为具体的错误原因。这些具体的错误代码在浏览器中显示,但不在 IIS 日志...
· 401 - Unauthorized 访问被拒绝,客户试图未经授权访问受密码保护的页面。应答中会包含一个WWW-Authenticate头,浏览器据此显示用户名字/密码对话框,然后在 填写合 适的Authorization头后再次发出请求。IIS 定义了许多不同的 401 错误,它们指明更为具体的错误原因。这些具体的错误代码在浏览器中显示,但不在 IIS 日志...