HTTP状态码401是客户端在与服务器交互时经常遇到的一种状态码,表示"Unauthorized"(未授权)。以下是对您问题的详细回答: 1. 解释HTTP状态码401的含义 HTTP 401 Unauthorized状态码表明客户端尝试访问受保护的资源时,没有提供有效的身份验证凭据,或者提供的凭据不被服务器接受。简而言之,客户端没有足够的权限来访问所...
如果Spring Boot Admin 配置了Spring Security的安全拦截器: 可能出现401 未授权异常: 那么检查以下配置文件: Security配置文件# @ConfigurationpublicclassSecurityConfigextendsWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {privatefinalString adminContextPath;publicSecurityConfig(AdminServerProperties adminServerProperties) {this.adminContext...
如果Spring Boot Admin 配置了Spring Security的安全拦截器: 可能出现401 未授权异常: 那么检查以下配置文件: Security配置文件# @ConfigurationpublicclassSecurityConfigextendsWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {privatefinalString adminContextPath;publicSecurityConfig(AdminServerProperties adminServerProperties) {this.adminContext...
springbootadmin抛出status:401,error:Unauthorized异常 打开spring boot admin的监控平台发现其监控的服务明细打开均抛出异常:Error: {"timestamp":1502749349892,"status":401,"error":"Unauthorized","message":"Full authentication is required to access this resource.","path":"/metrics"} Error: {"timestamp...
HTTP Status Code 401: “Unauthorized” Error Status code 401 – the “unauthorized” error, is a client-side error. Usually, this means the user’s login authentication credentials aren’t working. The user entered an incorrect password, or the server doesn’t know who the user is, and is...
I know that another thread dealt with this error message before but after trying all the suggestions of that thread without success, I thought my problem may be different. I have SSRS 2005 installed...
45.231201431Z caller=client.go:430 level=error component=logs logs_config=integrations component=client msg=“final error sending batch” status=401 tenant= error=“server returned HTTP status 401 Unauthorized (401): {"status":"error","error":"authenticati...
Angular@angular/common/http/HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized 401 status code example Here is a 401 status code example: Request GET /private-data HTTP/1.1 Host: Response HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Restricted Area" ...
Web Service Error: “The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.” I’ve come across a number of developers who have run into this issue when trying to call a web service in Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2. The symptom of the problem is that when trying to call a web service that...
<artifactId>spring-boot-starter-security</artifactId> </dependency> 有这个依赖的话,需要配置: @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled=true)publicclassWebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Overrideprotectedvoidconfigure( HttpSecurity httpSecurity ) throws ...