INTELLIGENCETOSHAPEYOURTOMORROW |.yolegroup|©YoleIntelligence2024 Exploringthelatest andfutureMEMS trends – AstatusoftheMEMS Industry Pierre-MarieVisse SeniorTechnologyandMarketAnalyst Partof 行业报告资源群 微信扫码长期有效 微信扫码行研无忧 免责申明: 本内容非原报告内容; 报告来源互联网公开数据;如侵权 请...
The inertial sensor applications are the most active among the MEMS markets. This paper analyzes the future market for accelerometers and gyros. Yole found that between 2003 and 2007, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of gyroscopes will be 25%, coming from 348M$ in 2003 to 827M$ and...
Status of the MEMS Industry 2010 Report - Press ReleaseDéveloppement, Yole
Status of the Power Electronics Industry 2018 购买该报告请联系: 麦姆斯咨询 电子邮箱换成@) 电动汽车/混合动力汽车(EV/HEV)、电机驱动器、计算和存储,推动了从器件到无源、封装和集成的电力电子市场增长。 由应用驱动的电力电子市场 ...
Moreover, 1550 nm widely tunable micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) VCSELs are used for wavelength DM passive optical network (WDP-PON) systems [5] with VCSEL-based SFP+ modules and THz photomixing [6]. Due to the absence of mode-hopping effects in short cavities, where longitudinal-...
Consequently, these devices represent the largest cost associated with the overall power converter (40% of the total bill of materials for a typical 50 kW EV inverter). Traditionally for the last 50 years, silicon (Si) has dominated the power electronics industry as the semiconductor material of...