内容提示: INTELLIGENCE TO SHAPE YOUR TOMORROW| www.yolegroup.com | ©Yole Intelligence 2024Exploring the latest and future MEMS trends– A status of the MEMS IndustryPierre- - Marie VisseSenior Technology and Market AnalystPart of 文档格式:PDF | 页数:14 | 浏览次数:25 | 上传日期:2024-09-...
more than US $ 10.7 B, with very diverse growth rate depending on the devices and the applications: silicon microphone and RF MEMS are the fastest growing applications but the existing applications like ink jet head and pressure sensors are still growing at a rate of 4 % per year at least...
INTELLIGENCETOSHAPEYOURTOMORROW |.yolegroup|©YoleIntelligence2024 Exploringthelatest andfutureMEMS trends – AstatusoftheMEMS Industry Pierre-MarieVisse SeniorTechnologyandMarketAnalyst Partof 行业报告资源群 微信扫码长期有效 微信扫码行研无忧 免责申明: 本内容非原报告内容; 报告来源互联网公开数据;如侵权 请...
Status of the MEMS Industry 2011 Sample_Report
Status of the MEMS Industry 2010 Report - Press ReleaseDéveloppement, Yole
MEMS Industry Status & Trends
3. It states that because of the inevitable tend for the industrialization of micromachine, it is both necessary and feasible for China to develop the industry of micromachine. 微型机械是在微电子工艺的基础上发展起来的多学科交叉的前沿研究领域,具有广阔的应用前景。 更多例句>> 补充...
Status of the Power Electronics Industry 2018 购买该报告请联系: 麦姆斯咨询 电子邮箱:wuyue#memsconsulting.com(#换成@) 电动汽车/混合动力汽车(EV/HEV)、电机驱动器、计算和存储,推动了从器件到无源、封装和集成的电力电子市场增长。 由应用驱动的电力电子市场 ...
becauseithassomeperfectcharacteristicssuchaslowcost, smallsizeandlightweight.Alsoithasbecomeoneofthe developingdirectionsofmoderngyroscopetechnology.Forthe low cost gyroscope application, the MEMS gyroscope is very suitable in these areas, such as automotive industry, inertial navigation, robot motion control ...