常见服务器返回状态码(Status Codes) 服务器向用户返回的状态码和提示信息,常见的有以下一些(方括号中是该状态码对应的HTTP动词)。 200 OK - [GET]:服务器成功返回用户请求的数据,该操作是幂等的(Idempotent)。 201 CREATED - [POST/PUT/PATCH]:用户新建或修改数据成功。 202 Accepted - [*]:表示一个请求已...
比如我们请求一个网页页面,可是服务器不存在这个页面,或者这个页面被转移到其它地方,或者服务器禁止我们查看 这个页面等等,所以为了便于浏览器处理这些正确与不正确的情况,HTTP用Status codes来表示请求(HTTP Request)在服务器端被处理的情况。Status codes通过应答(HTTP Response)返回给浏览器,浏览器根据这个作相应的处理...
1. 状态代码 索引《Oracle... ... reconciling( 调节)status codes(状态代码) Accum Deprn Balance Report( 累计折旧余额报表) ... bbs.erp100.com|基于17个网页 2. 路由状态代码 08-IP组播命令参考 - 服务支持 - H3C ... Total Number of Routes 路由总数Status codes路由状态代码: Network 目的网络地址...
Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes. Based on the Java Apache HttpStatus API.. Latest version: 2.3.0, last published: a year ago. Start using http-status-codes in your project by running `npm i http-status-codes`. There are 2864 other projects in
AlertSite monitors respond with status codes to let you know how things are going. Any status other than 0 indicates the site was unreachable, experiencing errors, or the request did not return the expected results. There is one retry for every test that fails. ...
Table 1 describes status codes. Table 1 Status codes Status Code Description 100 Continue Continue sending requests. This temporary response is used to inform the client that some requests have been received and not rejected by the server. 101 Switching Protocols Switch protocols. A protocol can ...
英文原文:http://www.rooftopsolutions.nl/blog/new-http-status-codes 往期推荐 华为:0元 + 3个月 = WEB全栈前端工程师 Nginx 为什么快到根本停不下来? IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 EAP 5 发布:完美支持Java 15 聊一聊 Spring 中的线程安全性 那些实用与颜值齐飞的桌面!
The AL status codes.E: the setting of the Error Indication flag.I: InitP: Pre-OperationalB: BootS: Safe-OperationalO: OperationalCodeDescriptionCurrent state (or state change)Resulting state 0x0000 No error Any Current state 0x0001 Unspecified error Any Any + E ...
HTTP status codes 404 HTTP status codesindicate We’ll take a closer look at the various has been completed. Responses are generally grouped into five classes: Informational responses (100-199) Successful responses (200-299) Redirects (300-399) ...
Table 1 describes status codes. Table 1 Status codes Status Code Description 100 Continue The server has received the initial part of the request and the client should continue to send the remaining part. This code is issued on a provisional basis while request processing continues. It alerts ...