HTTP Status Code 400 is part of the 4xx class of HTTP status codes, which are all client-side error messages. This class includes several other status codes, each designed to convey a specific type of client-side error. For instance,Status Code 403represents a 'Forbidden' request, which me...
2, or 3 represents a fully functional request. A first digit of 4 represents a client—side error, with the most common codes in the range of 400 to 404. A first digit of 5 represents
All 400 level codes*Client Failure 400 Bad Request [HTTP]AnyIndicates malformed syntax (for example, an empty namespace name in the XML body). [HTTP] SEARCH MethodTheSEARCH Methodrequest did not contain an XML body, or the search scope was invalid, or the query could not be executed. ...
301 永久移动位置,被请求的资源已经被永久性的转移了位置 302 您请求的资源现在需要临时通过其他的 URI 来获取 305 使用代理,被请求的资源必须通过指定的代理才能访问到 307 临时跳转。被请求的资源在临时从不同的URL响应请求 400 请求错误 402 该状态码是为了将来可能的需求而预留的,比如可能用于一些数字货币或者是...
HTTP status code 400. C# publicconstintStatus400BadRequest =400; Field Value Value = 400 Int32 Applies to ProdusVersiuni ASP.NET Core1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 Feedback Această pagină a fost utilă?
400 series request codes deal with malformed and unserviceable requests from a user-agent. Whenever a 400 series is encountered the problem is usually on the client side.
Status400BadRequest 欄位 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http 組件: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.dll 套件: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref v8.0.0 HTTP 狀態碼 400。 C# 複製 public const int Status400BadRequest = 400; 欄位值 Value = 400 Int32 適用於 產品...
StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest 字段 Learn 登录 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。 消除警报 版本 ASP.NET Core in .NET 9.0 Status205ResetContent Status206PartialContent Status207MultiStatus Status208AlreadyReported Status226IMUsed Status300MultipleChoices...
以下是HTTP 状态码详解大全 | HTTP Status Codes”,来自维基百科,可以按Ctrl+F快速查找需要的信息 1xx消息 这一类型的状态码,代表请求已被接受,需要继续处理。这类响应是临时响应,只包含状态行和某些可选的响应头信息,并以空行结束。由于HTTP/1.0协议中没有定义任何1xx状态码,所以除非在某些试验条件下,服务器禁止...
英文原文: 往期推荐 华为:0元 + 3个月 = WEB全栈前端工程师 Nginx 为什么快到根本停不下来? IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 EAP 5 发布:完美支持Java 15 聊一聊 Spring 中的线程安全性 那些实用与颜值齐飞的桌面!