CodeDescriptionNotes 401.1 Logon failed The logon attempt is unsuccessful probably because of a user name or a password that is invalid. 401.2 Logon failed due to server configuration This HTTP status code indicates a problem in the authentication configuration settings on the server. 401....
{ Msg.Text = GetErrorMessage(e.StatusCode); } catch (HttpException e) { Msg.Text = e.Message; } } public string GetErrorMessage(MembershipCreateStatus status) { switch (status) { case MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName: return "Username already exists. Please enter a different user na...
展開資料表 CredentialAlreadyExists 5 認證已經存在。 NotFound 2 找不到認證。 SecurityDeviceLocked 6 安全性裝置已鎖定。 Success 0 作業成功。 UnknownError 1 發生未知的錯誤。 UserCanceled 3 使用者已取消要求。 UserPrefersPassword 4 使用者偏好輸入密碼。
getent passwd polkitd >/dev/null && echo -e "\e[1;32mpolkitd user already exists\e[0m" || { useradd -r -g polkitd -d / -s /sbin/nologin -c "User for polkitd" polkitd && echo -e "\e[1;33mAdded missing polkitd user\e[0m" || echo -e "\e[1;31mAdding polkitd user FAIL...
This chapter lists the status codes for z/OS Network Authentication Service. The status codes are listed in numerical order. Major status values Kerberos administration database (numbers 01B79C00 - 01B79CFF) 01B79C01 Principal or policy already exists. ...
This is a status value which is reserved for use inside the ACS storage server. No request process will return it to the user. If it is seen, please notify ACSLS Support. STATUS_CELL_INACCESSIBLE Explanation:This is an unsolicited message which is sent when the ACSLS server receives a CELL...
See examples/docker-compose-sqlite-storage for an example.If storage.type is postgres, storage.path must be the connection URL: storage: type: postgres path: "postgres://user:password@"See examples/docker-compose-postgres-storage for an example....
HTTP status codes are provided to clients by a server, to explain the consequence of the client's request. When CICS is an HTTP server, depending on the circumstances, either CICS web support or the user application program selects an appropriate status
Your personal details match the profile which already exists – US Visa Error Change US Consulate interview location on DS-160 after Submission? User Could not be created – USTravelDocs Error US Visa Stamping: Passport Tracking Statuses Meaning, Flow Sorry, you have been blocked – USTravelDocs, ...
UserCanceled -128 사용자가 작업을 취소했음을 나타냅니다. VerificationFailure -67686 VerifyActionFailed -67825 확인 작업 실패를 나타냅니다. VerifyFailed -67808 확인에 실패했음을 나타냅니다. WritePermissions -61 쓰기 ...