这其中留给开发者可以用的 status code 少之又少,而实际的业务响应又会有非常多的状态,所以开发者需要一种方式来扩展 code。 这其中最直观的方式就是定义一个标准的响应结构,这个结构中有着一个自定义的code字段,它可以用来表示业务的响应状态,如下: {"code":"A1000","message":"会员已过期"} 所以,自定义 c...
Your personal details match the profile which already exists – US Visa Error Change US Consulate interview location on DS-160 after Submission? User Could not be created – USTravelDocs Error US Visa Stamping: Passport Tracking Statuses Meaning, Flow Sorry, you have been blocked – USTravelDocs, ...
Cause: The object specified in the request already exists and cannot be overwritten. Solution: Call the ListObjects operation to check whether the object you specified in the request exists and whether the object can be overwritten. For more information, see ListObjects (GetBucket). The object...
This chapter lists the status codes for z/OS Network Authentication Service. The status codes are listed in numerical order. Major status values Kerberos administration database (numbers 01B79C00 - 01B79CFF) 01B79C01 Principal or policy already exists. ...
Not Found The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. 405 Method Not Allowed The method received in the request-line is known by the origin server but not supported by the target resource. 406 Not Accep...
CodeSigningNoExtendedKeyUsage -67650 表示找不到任何基本條件約束。 ConversionError -67594 表示發生轉換錯誤。 CoreFoundationUnknown -4960 表示發生未知的 Core Foundation 錯誤。 CreateChainFailed -25318 表示憑證鏈結失敗。 CRLAlreadySigned -67684 表示CRL 已經簽署。 CRLBadURI -67617 表示URI 不正確。 CRLExpi...
404Not foundThe origin server didn't find a current representation for the target resource or isn't willing to disclose that one exists. 405Method not allowed.The method received in the request-line is known by the origin server but not supported by the target resource. ...
Cause: The specified tag key already exists. Solution: Call GetBucketTags to query information about the tags of the bucket, and then configure a new tag for the bucket. For more information, see PutBucketTags. InvalidHostPutBucket Your host is invalid. Please put bucket use Open Storage...
"NetStream.Record.AlreadyExists" "status" 正在记录的流映射到已经记录其他流的文件。由于错误配置了虚拟目录,会发生这种情况。 "NetStream.Record.Failed" "error" 尝试录制流失败。 "NetStream.Record.NoAccess" "error" 试图录制仍处于播放状态的流或客户端没有访问权限的流。 "NetStream.Record.Start" "status"...
//googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/last-known-good-versions-with-downloads.json Required browser: chrome 119.0.6045.105 chrome 119.0.6045.105 already exists chrome 119.0.6045.105 is available at /home/project/.cache/selenium/chrome/linux64/119.0.6045.105/chrome Discovering versions from ...