Static value GatewayTimeout for HttpStatusCode. static final HttpStatusCode GONE Static value Gone for HttpStatusCode. static final HttpStatusCode HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED Static value HttpVersionNotSupported for HttpStatusCode. static final HttpStatusCode INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Static value ...
440 “Login Time-out” –This code is used by Microsoft’s ISS (Internet Information Services). The client’s login session has expired and they must log in again. 494 “Request header too large”– used by NGINX. The client has sent too large of a request or too long of a header ...
详细了解 Microsoft.Azure.Management.Automation.Models 命名空间中的 Microsoft.Azure.Management.Automation.Models.HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout。
HTTP 412 status code (Precondition Failed) HTTP 500 status code (Internal Server Error) HTTP 502 status code (Bad Gateway) HTTP 503 status code (Service Unavailable) HTTP 504 status code (Gateway Timeout) Load testing CloudFront Quotas
RequestTimeout 等效于 HTTP 状态 408。 RequestTimeout 指示客户端的服务器预期请求的时间内没有未发送请求。 RequestUriTooLong 等效于 HTTP 状态 414。 RequestUriTooLong 指示 URI 太长。 ResetContent 等效于 HTTP 状态 205。 ResetContent 指示客户端应重置 (而不是重新加载) 的当前资源。 SeeOther 等效于 ...
This status code is similar to 401, but the client must first authenticate itself with the proxy. 408 Request Time-out The server timed out when waiting for the request. The client may repeat the request without modifications later. 409 Conflict The request could not be processed due to a ...
AsyncRefOperationTimeoutNotification Załącznik Załącznik Załącznik ZałącznikReference Typ załącznika — atrybut AtrybutDescriptor AttributesContainer AuditAction AuditAction AuditAction AuthConfiguration AuthenticationSchemeReference AuthenticationSchemeReference Authenticationtype Authorization...
Connection timeout in the HTTPS request Please submit a ticket and provide the X-NWS-LOG-UUID information for troubleshooting. 564 HTTP origin request failed If HTTP is configured as the origin request protocol, check the load and bandwidth utilization or access limit of the origin server. If ...
451UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONSUnavailable For Legal Reasons 500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORInternal Server Error 501NOT_IMPLEMENTEDNot Implemented 502BAD_GATEWAYBad Gateway 503SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEService Unavailable 504GATEWAY_TIMEOUTGateway Timeout 505HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTEDHTTP Version Not Supported ...