据说早期 Twitter API 会在短期内提交太多需求的时候回传这个 Status Code,不过在新版 API 改为使用 429 Too Many Requests。 498 Invalid Token 499 Token Required 这两个是以前一个叫做 ArcGIS for Server 的系统会回应的 Status Code。一般来说验证信息错误还是会回传 401 Unathorized。 520 Unknown Error Cl...
HTTP状态码(status codes)是HTTP协议中,响应报文的起始行中包含的一种服务器用于向客户端说明操作状态的三位数字。例如在一个正常的GET请求完成后,服务器会向客户端返回 HTTP/1.0 200 OK 在这个例子中,状态码就是 200 状态码的第一位数字表示了响应状态的类型,其中 1xx 信息提示,信息响应类 2xx 成功响应 3xx...
406 Not Acceptable, client request 的时候会在 header 表面能接受的资源返回格式, 如果 server 发现 response 的格式没有在能接受的范围内就会返回 406 408 Request Timeout, server 会 set 一个时间, 如果 request 处理太久就会直接返回 408. 415 Unsupported Media Type, server 不接受 client post 的内容格式...
常见原因是服务器因维护或重载而停机。 504 Gateway Timeout: 当服务器作为网关,不能及时得到响应时返回此错误代码。 505 HTTP Version Not Supported: 服务器不支持请求中所使用的HTTP协议版本。 参考
HTTP_STATUS_NONE_ACCEPTABLE (406) No responses acceptable to the client were found. HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ (407) Proxy authentication required. HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT (408) The server timed out waiting for the request. HTTP_STATUS_CONFLICT (409) The request could not be completed due...
To give an example of Http Status Codes, the most common status codes are 200, 301, 302, 404 and 500. The codes are listed in the tables below: 1×× Informational 100=== Continue 101=== Switching Protocols 102=== Processing
Table 1describes common status codes. Table 1HTTP status codes Status Code & Message Description 200 OK The request has been processed successfully. 204 No Content The server successfully processed the request and is not returning any content. ...
HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ 407 Proxy authentication required. HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 408 The server timed out waiting for the request. HTTP_STATUS_CONFLICT 409 The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. The user should resubmit with more ...
Status code 404: Resource Not Found Status code 405: Access Denied Status code 413: Request Entity Too Large Code Status code 500: Internal Server Error Troubleshoot HTTP status codes Status code 503: Application is unavailable Status code 504: Time-out errors For other errors, see ...
These constants and corresponding values indicate HTTP status codes returned by servers on the Internet.HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE 100 The request can be continued. HTTP_STATUS_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS 101 The server has switched protocols in an upgrade header. HTTP_STATUS_OK 200 The request completed ...