代码 说明 200 (成功) 服务器已成功处理了请求。 通常,这表示服务器提供了请求的网页。 201 (已创建) 请求成功并且服务器创建了新的资源。 202 (已接受) 服务器已接受请求,但尚未处理。 203 (非授权信息) 服务器已成功处理了请求,但返回的信息可能来自另一来源。 204 (无内容) 服务器成功处理了请求,但没...
Created 201 相當於 HTTP 狀態 201。 Created 指示在傳送回應之前,要求導致新資源的建立。 EarlyHints 103 相當於 HTTP 狀態 103。 EarlyHints 向用戶端指出伺服器很可能傳送具有標頭欄位 (包含在資訊回應中) 的最終回應。 ExpectationFailed 417 相當於 HTTP 狀態 417。 ExpectationFailed 指示在 Expect 標頭中所指...
How does HTTP Status Code 201 relate to other status codes? HTTP status codes are categorized into five groups. The first digit of the status code designates its class. The 201 status code belongs to the 2xx class, which signifies successful requests. Other 2xx status codes include 200 (OK...
Belessis Y, Dixon S, Thomsen A, Duffy B, Rawlinson W, Henry R, et al. Risk factors for an intensive care unit admission in children with asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol 2004;37:201–209. ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Thomas M, Griffths C. Csthma and panic: scope for intervention? Am J Respir...
Fifty-five (32.7%) trials analyzed less than 50 patients in, 63 (37.5%) trials 50–100 patients, and 28 (16.8%) trials from 101 to 200 patients, 11 (6.5%) trials from 201 to 300 patients, and 11 (6.5%) trials more than 300 patients. Trials on brain metastases Systemic therapy One...
Since the discovery in the 1970s of the activity of cytarabine and anthracyclines in the treatment of AML, a series of randomized trials evaluated different doses and schedules of cytarabine (5 versus 7 versus 10 days; 100 mg/m2versus 200 mg/m2) in combination with anthracyclines, and ...
[196,197], showing rapid onset of anticonvulsant action and lack of respiratory or cardiovascular adverse effects, and very recently also in humans [198–200]. Novel IV formulations with favorable pharmacokinetics have been developed [201], but their use in clinical practice needs to be ...
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doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2015.525V. ToedtlingJ. M. YatesSpringer NatureBDJToedtling V,Yates JM. Revolution vs status quo? Non-interven- tion strategy of asymptomatic third molars causes harm [ J ]. Br Dent J ,2015,219( 1 ) :11 -12....