publicenumHttpStatusCode 繼承 Object ValueType Enum HttpStatusCode 欄位 展開資料表 名稱值Description Accepted202 相當於 HTTP 狀態 202。Accepted表示已接受要求進行進一步處理。 AlreadyReported208 相當於 HTTP 狀態 208。AlreadyReported指出 WebDAV 繫結的成員已在多狀態回應的前面部分中列舉,因此將不會再次包括。 reinink commented Jun 9, 2015 Originally Glide returned a 200 status code. Now it returns 200 for the first request, and 304 for subsequent requests. This was actually at request. See #20. I...
http statusCode(状态码) 200、300、400、500序列>>>注:200, 300, 404, 500(重点记忆) 201-206都表示服务器成功处理了请求的状态代码,说明网页可以正常访问。 200(成功) 服务器已成功处理了请求。通常,这表示服务器提供了请求的网页。 201(已创建) 请求成功且服务器已创建了新的资源。 202(已接受) 服务器...
状态码是200 OK。绿色, 返回的JSON数据: 现在我们想使用http.net定义好的Status来根据不同的操作来返回不同的状态码,比如当创建一条记录成功时,我们返回201成功,当没有权限时,我们返回没有权限。 现在我们试着修改Action如下: 只是添加一行代码: Response.StatusCode,也就是说这个Action是创建人员信息,当信息创建成...
TheStatus Barsits at the bottom of the VS Code workbench and displays information and actions that relate to your workspace. Items are placed into two groups: Primary (left) and Secondary (right). Items that relate to the entire workspace (status, problems/warnings, sync) go on the left an...
Returns information on whether a buffer is under source code control and, if so, whether the file is checked in. C++/WinRT virtualintGetBufferSccStatus2(std::wstringconst& pszFileName, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out]int& pbNonEditable, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out]int& ...
MySQL Shell for VS Code / Database Connections and DB Notebooks / Server Status 4.9 Server Status Server status provides an overview of MySQL administration information, such as a server's main settings, the location (or state) of the relevant server directories, the current server features, ...
Status Code 401 - How Do You Fix It?HTTP status codes serve as silent messengers between web servers and clients, sharing important information about the failure or success of a requested action. The error 401 indicates that the request is not transferred because it lacks valid authentication ...
列舉中的值會指定 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 伺服器所傳送的SmtpStatusCode回復狀態值。SmtpException和SmtpFailedRecipientsException類別包含StatusCode傳回SmtpStatusCode值的屬性。 SMTP 定義於 的 RFChttps://www.ietf.org2821 中。 適用於
使用状态代码初始化 类的新实例 HttpStatusCodeResult。 HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode, String) 使用状态代码和状态说明初始化 类的新实例 HttpStatusCodeResult。 HttpStatusCodeResult(Int32) 使用状态代码初始化 类的新实例 HttpStatusCodeResult。 HttpStatusCodeResult(Int32, String) 使用状态代码和状态...