Honeycomb and Kagome LatticesSolution of a Three-Dimensional Dimer ModelRemarksReferences for Chapter 1#Introduction#The Pfaffian Approach#The Rectangular Lattice#Rectangular Lattice with a Boundary Vacancy#The Honeycomb and Kagome Lattices#Solution of a Three-Dimensional Dimer Model#Remarks#References for ...
In order to gain insight into the behaviour of the system, we perform parity-conserving Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of the stochastic ensemble of visons, {np}, on a square lattice containing L × L sites with periodic boundary conditions, combined with exact diagonalisation of the spinon...
An alternative type of billiards exhibiting relativistic features in part of their eigenvalue spectrum are graphene billiards, which are constructed by cutting a honeycomb lattice out of their shape. They are used to model properties of artificial graphene flakes based on a tight-binding model [44,...