Kagome latticesemiconductor surfacesExcitonic properties in the Kagome lattice system, which is produced by quantum wires on semiconductor surfaces, are investigated by using the exact diagonalization of a tight binding model. It is shown that due to the existence of flat bands the binding energy of...
A kagome lattice tight-binding model generically features a Dirac crossing and a flat-band, which are the fundamental sources of nontrivial topology and strong correlation. Such topological fermionic structures arising from the correlated 3d electrons in the kagome lattice have been widely reported in...
The layered system LaRu3Si271,72,73,74,75is another good example of a material hosting both a kagome lattice and superconductivity. The structure of LaRu3Si2contains distorted kagome layers of Ru sandwiched between layers of La and layers of Si having a honeycomb structure (see Fig.1e and h...
(NN) sites, leading to electron localization within the hexagonal ring. The band structure of the 2D kagome lattice, considering NN hopping and calculated using the tight-binding (TB) model (see Supplementary Note5), is depicted in Fig.1c18,19. It displays a Dirac cone at theKpoint, a ...
Excitonic properties in the Kagome lattice system, which is produced by quantum wires on semiconductor surfaces, are investigated by using the exact diagonalization of a tight binding model. It is shown that due to the existence of flat bands the binding energy of exciton becomes remarkably large ...
flat band (FB 2). As predicted by tight-binding model on kagome lattice3,6, the flat band degenerates with the quadratic band bottom at Γ with the exclusion of SOC. The electron-like band extends to theKpoint and forms Dirac cone aboveEF(see Fig.4a). With the inclusion of SOC, ...
Figure 2a, b show exemplary DFT bands of KV3Sb5 with archetypal kagome bands distilled by our tight-binding theory (see Methods for the details of the TB model). In Fig. 2b, the divergence of the density of states (DOS) is clearly observed at E = −6( + 9) meV. A ...