static-bind命令用来将DHCP Server全局地址池下的IP地址与MAC地址进行绑定。 undo static-bind命令用来删除全局地址池下IP地址与MAC地址的绑定关系。 缺省情况下,全局地址池下的IP地址没有与任何MAC地址绑定。 命令格式 static-bind ip-addressip-addressmac-addressmac-address[option-templatetemplate-name|descriptiondes...
static-bind命令用来将DHCP Server全局地址池下的IP地址与MAC地址进行绑定。 undo static-bind命令用来删除全局地址池下IP地址与MAC地址的绑定关系。 缺省情况下,全局地址池下的IP地址没有与任何MAC地址绑定。 命令格式 static-bind ip-addressip-addressmac-addressmac-address[option-templatetemplate-name|descriptiondes...
在DHCP地址池视图下执行命令 static-bind ip-address ip-address [ mask-length | mask mask ] hardware-address hardware-address [ ethernet | token-ring ] } 需要注意的是,配置静态绑定时,必须确保绑定的MAC地址与实际用户的MAC地址保持一致,并且配置的MAC地址必须是有效的MAC地址(MAC地址为4~39个字符的字符...
在接口GigabitEthernet0/0/1上配置VLAN100内的静态绑定表项,IP地址为10.1.1.1,MAC地址为0-1-1。<Quidway> system-view [Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 [Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] user-bind static ip-address mac-address 0-1-1 vlan 100 ...
静态分配IP么 如果本设备配置为DHCP服务器,且需要实现IP+MAC的静态绑定,命令如下: dhcp enable dhcp server ip-pool 123 static-bind ip-address 24 static-bind mac-address 0023-24a1-0605 2023-07-17回答 评论(4) 举报 (0) 重新配置地址池 zhiliao_sEUyB 发表时间:2023-07-17 更多>> 0...
#interface ethernet 1/0/1 #user-bing mac-addr XXXX-XXXX-XXXX ip-addr XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 或#ip source static binding ip-address mac-address 001e-90fb-acd5 实测结果: h3c7506e 软件版本5.2 全局模式下无法用am user-bind,端口模式下可以用user-bind...
Related commands:dhcp server ip-pool,static-bindclient-identifier,static-bind mac-address, anddisplay dhcp server tree. Examples # Bind the client MAC address 0000-e03f-0305 to the IP address with the mask in DHCP address pool 0. ...
H3C5500这类设备,可以是使用如下命令进行IP/mac绑定,V5.0以下的版本必须进到端口下才能配置。 #interface ethernet 1/0/1 #user-bing mac-addr XXXX-XXXX-XXXX ip-addr XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 或#ip source static binding ip-address mac-address 001e-90fb-acd5...
Ubuntu was a good choice for free server O/S. I am currently downloading it. My ISP wants to bind my static IP to a MAC address of the device that will be making my connection for me. Should my server be behind my router or in front of it? I kinda wanted it to be the access ...
But what I'd like to know is did my computer send the computer name to the router at that time? I didn't think a machine on a static IP would send the machine name. Or (something I just thought of) maybe the router used the computer name associated with the MAC address from a pr...