static-bind命令用来将DHCP Server全局地址池下的IP地址与MAC地址进行绑定。 undo static-bind命令用来删除全局地址池下IP地址与MAC地址的绑定关系。 缺省情况下,全局地址池下的IP地址没有与任何MAC地址绑定。 命令格式 static-bind ip-addressip-addressmac-addressmac-address[option-templatetemplate-name|descriptiondes...
static-bind命令用来将DHCP Server全局地址池下的IP地址与MAC地址进行绑定。 undo static-bind命令用来删除全局地址池下IP地址与MAC地址的绑定关系。 缺省情况下,全局地址池下的IP地址没有与任何MAC地址绑定。 命令格式 static-bind ip-addressip-addressmac-addressmac-address[option-templatetemplate-name|descriptiondes...
在DHCP地址池视图下执行命令 static-bind ip-address ip-address [ mask-length | mask mask ] hardware-address hardware-address [ ethernet | token-ring ] } 需要注意的是,配置静态绑定时,必须确保绑定的MAC地址与实际用户的MAC地址保持一致,并且配置的MAC地址必须是有效的MAC地址(MAC地址为4~39个字符的字符...
在接口GigabitEthernet0/0/1上配置VLAN100内的静态绑定表项,IP地址为10.1.1.1,MAC地址为0-1-1。<Quidway> system-view [Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 [Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] user-bind static ip-address mac-address 0-1-1 vlan 100 ...
静态分配IP么 如果本设备配置为DHCP服务器,且需要实现IP+MAC的静态绑定,命令如下: dhcp enable dhcp server ip-pool 123 static-bind ip-address 24 static-bind mac-address 0023-24a1-0605 2023-07-17回答 评论(4) 举报 (0) 重新配置地址池 zhiliao_sEUyB 发表时间:2023-07-17 更多>> 0...
很多人会把arp static和am user-bind命令搞混淆,虽然使用起来不一样,但是最终效果都是一样的,都是针对ip/mac绑定: 首先使用arp static绑定必须将所有的ip进行绑定,如果有遗漏ip,那ip/mac绑定就会失效。 举例: 全局下#arp static 1h22-456f-ddd5 ...
Warning: If the IP addresses that are being used are reclaimed, may influence normal user in the network. Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]:y 重新绑定ip为192.168.1.10 interface Vlanif 10 dhcp server static-bind ip-address mac-address xxx-xxxx-xxxx ...
The router allows you to statically bind an IP address to a MAC address to ensure that a particular device always receives the same IP address. This is particularly useful for devices such as servers that must be available for access via a well-known IP address or DNS entry. Any device th...
Find IP Address by MAC Address Find item in zip file without extracting find most current file from today and yesterday Find multiple strings in text files powershell Find oldest file created on a given date. Find out what primary dns server is being used by powershell in the domain? Find...
IP/MAC/接口/VLAN可根据需要选择配置,例如: user-bind static ip-address user-bind static ip-address mac-address 2-2-2 user-bind static ip-address mac-address 3-3-3 interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 vlan 10 ...